Really old past.

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Juan: Are you gonna talk like an old 80's actor or are you gonna tell me why you called me and why you just called me friend.

???: Well...I would think we became friends by now. Hehe you were the only one to gave me an extra adrenaline boost.

Juan: Listen choom, whatever your selling I aint buying so how about you stop wasting both of our time and-

Just then heard an engine roar in the background of the phone call.


???: you went silent, whats wrong?

Juan: Hey Rapture

Rapture: HEYYY HE REMEMBERS! and all it took was the sound of my engine hehehe

Juan: Your alive?

Rapture: Barely, took a bullet to the chest remember.

Juan: fucking bullet.

Rapture: You still haven't thanked me about saving your life.

Juan:....I wanted to die but...thank sorry, I just cant believe im hearing your voice.

Rapture: Hahaha weird huh? It feels like your talking to a ghost.

Juan: Can say that again. How did you find me?

Rapture: I'm not the only one who got recognized for the sound of their engine. Heard there was some hot shot street driver disobeying the street laws. All of a sudden a blurr goes past the screen but I cant mistake that turbo noice. I knew it had to be you.

Juan: ahhhh fuck. Not even a day and im famous.

Rapture: I see your still ripping those tire's without remorse. Remember when I said Im barely living and you never thanked me for the bullet.

Juan: Yeah?

Rapture: Well I dont got more than a month to live...and the races haven't been the same since you were gone. I think as a thank you gift, we could race just one last time.

Juan: Is it the bullet?

Rapture: Nope got some disease...weird how we have gotten so advanced and yet still...the disseases get worse and worse.

Juan: Fuck bro

Rapture: Hey dont get all soft on me. Ive had a whole year to accept my fate and now for the first time Im seeing a bright light. So? Will you race one more time with me?

Juan: I wont leave you buddy.

Rapture: I was unavoidable. We were so young and got seperated but HEY! HAHA here we are again hahaha!

Juan: Looks like retards attract each other like a magnet.

Rapture: Aye dont you call me a retard! If anything im the smart one.

Juan: The smarter one, your still a dumbass hahaha

Rapture: haha I wont deny it. But hey these retards are doing some crazy shit hahaha

Juan: Hehe

Rapture: Alright buddy, its good to hear your voice again but I need to go. Mom ain't looking good and she gotta stay in bed the whole day so its my turn to look after her.

Juan: Got it, see you soon and tell your mom I said Hi.

Rapture: Hah! She would have a heart attack knowing your still alive. *hangs up*

Juan:....mother fucker haha!

Juan fell on his bed looking up and thinking about the good old day's. The two were the only one's who could keep up with each other. It was so fun they would throw middle finger's at each other while passing each other. That was until Rapture lost his middle finger becuase he stuck it out the window too much. He didnt even stop racing, He kept racing with a severed finger.

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