Invitation only

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Juan arrives at Kerry's house, a cloud of white smoke left as he skids and stops right before his front gate.

Intercom: Juuuan

Juan: Open up will ya

Intercom:....i know damn well I aint stopping ya but im not going out without a fight so if you thi-

Juan: Kerry! Open up or im really gonna force my way in there and right now you dont want me forcing anything.

There was silence on the intercom before the gates opened.

Juan: Thank you.

Juan drove in and parked his car next to Kerry's.

Juan: Mother fucker already got it fixed and all sparkling clean....*siiiighh *

Juan got out and walked towards the door holding his hands up showing he has nothing. Kerry ofcourse opened the front door and was pointing a pistol at him.

Kerry: wow you really came peacefu-

Juan quicksteps and grabs the gun under his arm pit and slams his palm into his neck.

Kerry: aghh....

Juan: I told you I am not killing you just yet.

Juan throws the gun away

Juan: need some info on the whereabouts of the team you hired to help me on this mission.

Kerry: *grabs throat * Juan I told you it was an accident these people do not deserve to die

Juan: I dont wanna kill them...yet...i wanna see what they are up to, how they talk, what they say and all that...

Kerry: ahem *rubs throat*...and why would you wanna do that?

Juan: need to see if they are worth saving but there will still be consequences for their actions...just need to know how bad it should be.

Kerry: No chance choom

Juan: Kerry

Juan looks at him through squinted eye's

Juan:....hehehe okkkk I told you I wasnt here to kill you buuttt ill definitely force the answer out of you

Juan had a smirk as he was walking towards the wall, on the wall were tons of guitars on display.

Juan: Would be a shame if I destroyed your precious guitars.

Kerry: dont you fucking dare!

Juan: tell me the locations of the people you contracted or say goodbye to your precious collection.

Kerry:.........*sigh* Its empty dreams anyway choom *looks down * my life has never been the same after Johnny's go ahead

Juan was growing angrier and angrier. Something wispering into his head

???:*whispers *kiiillll hiiiiim

Juan: I lost everything that day! I had no one except those two morons! I loved them with my whole heart becuase they were all I had left when my mother and father died! So tell me where the FUCK they are!

Juan clenched his hand into a fist and slammed it into one of his guitar's only for Kerry to not even stand up or look at him. This made him even more angry knowing that he spoke the truth now.

Juan: Kerry

Juan stomps over to him and grabs him by the throat.

Juan: Give me the location of their wearabouts.

Kerry: fuck...*chokes * you...asshole*choke *


Juan slammed his skull onto the floor.

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