After I take your life

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After walking for what seems like an eternity he is nowhere near close to where he needs to be and his legs are getting tired.


Everyone kept an eye on Juan because of how he kept his mask on and he actually looked pretty intimidating in it.


Just then he recieved a call from an unknown caller.

Juan: who the hell is this?...*answers*

???: hello? Juan?

Juan knew that voice. It was all too familiar. It was Alex's mom's voice. Its lisa

Juan: Miss Lisa...its good to hear from you.

Lisa: I heard you were also involved in the attack...

Juan: ....yeah, we got hit hard. My jaw got blown off.

Lisa: oh im sorry.

Juan: no im sorry...fuck he's dead isn't he.


Juan: Lisa?

Lisa: Juan please listen, I cant chit chat. There is something my son always wanted you to have. He said you made a legend with this thing and wanted to see you "tear up the streets" with it.

Juan: Lisa woah calm down.

Lisa: im sorry Juan im on the verge of tears sending you a code.

Juan: Code? Code for what?

Lisa: you'll see. The keys are between the frame and the wheel on the left front corner. Bye *call ends*

Juan: Lisa? LISA!

Juan recieved a weird code of sort...its a caller code...wait, this is a code for a vehicle...

Juan: Lisa?.....its been 3 days...cant believe she's still alive...the news about Alex must have struck her like a truck....ill get revenge for you...i swear ill crack all their skulls and make them pay with sweat, blood and tears.

He dailed the code and got a message that popped up on his hud "the vehicle is on route" and waited until it reached his location.

30 min ltr

Juan just sat with his head down and waited until the car arrives when all of a sudden a car horn goes off and when he looks up his jaw drops.....if he had one

Juan: No, no fucking way...

Juan: its my car but I fucking wrecked it in an accident

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Juan: its my car but I fucking wrecked it in an accident. They said it would be impossible to repair, Alex how did you do this.

Juan touched the body and slid his finger across the hood. When he came to the front left tire he saw what she meant. There was the keys held by duck tape. Juan yanks it off and pressed a button with a finger print on it and the cars door opened.

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