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Juan had exited the building without any other Gonk seeing him, it was not long before the gonks figured out their precious leader had been snuffed out.

Mona was waiting for him in an alleyway and was blending in with the dark alley thanks to her gray sweatpants and thin black striped tight shirt and white sneekers with her face hidden by a mask covering both her face and neck

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Mona was waiting for him in an alleyway and was blending in with the dark alley thanks to her gray sweatpants and thin black striped tight shirt and white sneekers with her face hidden by a mask covering both her face and neck...almost like Juan's.

Mona: Juan!

Juan: Hm? Oh hey...good job you took care of them relatively quickly.

Mona: Hehehe thanks

Juan couldnt see it but she was blushing under the mask but one thing Juan could see was her swaying her shoulders while her hands were behind her back. Juan seriously could not understand what he did that made her act like this. Shes been acting like this the whole time hes been infront of her.

Juan: (could be a minipulation tactic...false flattery...but still why is she acting like this what is she up to?)

Mona: Uhm...hellooo you ok?

Mona waved infront of Juans eyes yo try and get his attention, she could see he was zoned out.

Juan: Hm?! Oh ok come on lets go.

Juan took off not allowing her to speak any further and did not look at her.

Juan: (cant trust her...dont need to either...shes too suspicious...her whole reason for why she was doing this mission was becuase she needed the money....but also she had a personal grudge against him. It was her speach that I gave to that prick)


Juan:............pigs...all of you...there is no forgiving the sins you have raped and slaughtered and sold the women you stole from their loving husbands and killed their husbands infront of their face and laughed at their sorrow....their pain....their took it alll and laughed in their would not even stop at the husband and wifes....but went after the children aswell! You...raped...and killed...and took their freedom....

*Flashback ends*

Juan:(that was her speach....I added a bit of my own words in there but the rest was hers...she wanted to be the one to give him that speach...she wanted to be the one to kill him...but....) Anyway so ready to go to the afterlife?

Mona: Do we have to?

Juan: Yes, gotta give in our contract and get what we came here for, I bet yours was money...

Mona: I really dont need the money

Juan(huh!? But...i thought she was doing this for the cash)

Mona: I was just sick of people like him hurting people and destroying their lives...their dreams...i was tired of them getting away with it.

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