Part 15

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"It's time," Mr. Holt told Admiral Sanda. "We need to tell the rest of the world the situation."

"Sam," She replied, "I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, but we can't get of course." 

I cut in, "If we want to finish the IGF-ATLAS, we need more resources and more manpower."

"The world needs to come together so that we can take the fight to the Galra." Sam picked it up for me. 

"You're both too emotional right now, and you're not thinking straight. We're not building ships to go fight off aliens in other galaxies." Sanda said bluntly.

Commander Holt slammed his hands on the desk. "But they need us!"

The Admiral stood up, "The citizens of Earth, need us!"

"And yet you refuse to tell them the truth!"

Iverson, bless him, tried to diffuse the situation. "Maybe we should talk about this later."

"We can talk later, but my decision will be the same." Sanda said, "We're not telling the people of Earth, and we're not fighting in someone else's war."

Two hours later I was in the dormitory that the Garrison had given me. It was larger than I was used to, and I only used a small section of it, but it was nice. I was using the Tv in the room to try to call Camp Jupiter but with no success. Suddenly Mrs. Holt appeared on the screen and took a deep breath. I quickly whipped up an Iris Message to Chiron. He wasn't in the Big House like I was expecting. He was at the campfire, in front of the entirety of Camp Half-Blood. I sighed,  telling him to watch the screen regardless.

"Citizens of Earth, my name is Coleen Holt. I am the wife of famed astronaut Sam Holt and the mother of Matt Holt. Two years ago, it was believed they died during a deep space mission. That was a lie. My husband, along with his crew were abducted by an alien race known as the Galra, a fact that was covered up by the Galaxy Garrison. A month ago, my husband reappeared on Earth, but was forced to stay in hiding."

A video of Colleen, Sam, The admiral and me in the waiting room after we landed appeared. "I'm afraid we can't allow Sam to leave the premises," Sanda was saying. "We're not prepared to tell the world about alien life just yet." The video disappeared. Mr. and Mrs. Holt were standing together now. 

"But I refuse to stay hidden any longer." Mr. Holt said, "We desperately need your help. Not every alien species is friendly, and Planet Earth must be protected."

"The footage you are about to see is real," Colleen said.

Images of Galra ships appeared on the screen. "These are the Galra," Sam explained. "If they find Earth, they will attack, and we must be prepared."

"But there are those that have spent years protecting us." Colleen continued with an image of Voltron appearing on the screen. "They are the Paladins of Voltron, and they come from Earth."

Videos of the paladins were shown on the screen. First was Hunk. He was walking along one of the halls in the castle. "I can't wait to go back home. I'm not really sure when that'll be, but when I get there, I really want Uncle Filo to make some of his amazing pork lau lau. I can almost taste it now."

Next, Lance appeared, in his room, I think. "Hi, Mom, Hi, Dad. It's me, Lance. I'm up here in outer space somewhere. I, don't really know what to say. I miss you guys. I miss you guys a lot."

Next was the video of me. I was in the training room, with multiple destroyed Gladiators on the ground next to me as I duelled another. I remember now. "Come on, Hunk," I was saying. 

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