Part 19

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I snapped awake from a demigod dream. I ran for the door of my dorm on the Atlas. I need to find Shiro.

I scoured the halls until I made it to the bridge, knowing he wouldn't be there. Likely only the night watch and whoever was left to keep the ship running while others slept. "Percy?" Said a bleary voice. It was Veronica. "What are you doing awake?"

"I have to talk to Shiro!" I said urgently, "If this could wait till morning, it would have."

She nodded and turned to her computer without a word. "He'll meet you in the briefing room."

I was already running in that direction. I was at the front of the room pacing when they arrived. "Percy?" Shiro asked when he walked in. "What's wrong?"

"It was Honerva!" I said to him in a panic. "The Robeasts! I had a dream. After you defeated Lotor she summoned a Kral Zera but... she stopped the ceremony! She killed them all!"

"Alright, alright slow down." He said placing his human hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath and explained my dream. Shiro was a good listener. He maintained a steady gaze, that somehow didn't make me uncomfortable as it did with most others.

"And then I saw the same robot flying towards the Milky Way."

Shiro stood up straighter. "Unfortunately, as much as I believe you and the paladins will believe you, the there higher-ups in the garrison may not." He sighed, "I promise that I'll keep it in mind, but until we have physical evidence I won't be able to send the Atlas after her. Sorry kid..."

I rested my head on the table. "It's fine..." I mumbled, "I'm just scared. I've always fought with abandon but now, with Katie, and Keith having a weird thing going on with Lance, and the others... it feels like there's more to lose and less to gain."

He sat down in the chair next to me. "Well kid," He started. I always hated when people called me that because it felt condescending, but it was endearing from him. "If there's one thing I know about you, it's that you've never let fear stop you."

I didn't look at him, but I could almost feel the smile.

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, and there were still 2 hours before the others got up. I had too much energy, so I went to try something. At dinner with the Holts, Sam had mentioned something he had snuck into the Atlas blueprints. It was a large ring with a panel that opened upwards in the form of a door. Supposedly, it was completely soundproof.

It was in the makeshift training room. I needed to use the stairs to get up to it. I saw a pair of earbuds in a small case. There was a note, too. 'These will track your vitals and speed, protect your ears from sonic booms, and double as a way for us to talk back and forth from the outside. -Mr. Holt'  That's cool.

I placed the earpieces into my ears, and walked into the chamber, closing the door behind me. A screen popped up displaying a diagram of a human body. It showed heart rate, current temperature and speed, as well as glucose levels. I supposed that was to make sure I didn't burn too many calories. Unnecessary, but a nice touch.

Taking a deep breath, I started running. First slowly, maybe just below the speed of sound. I pushed a bit harder, passing the sound barrier. I didn't hear a thing. Grinning, I ran faster and faster until I was going as fast as I had ever gone. I glanced at the screen. Almost 11000mph, Mach 14.

I can go faster. I pushed myself as hard as I could. Faster. Faster. Faster. Mach 18, 19, 20! "Percy!" A voice called. It was surprising, as it had, come through my earpiece. I almost fell on my ass at 22 times the speed of sound. I sadly forced myself to begin to slow down. "Percy?" It was Keith.

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