Part 26

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I hadn't been alone for a very long time. I had been alone when I was living on the streets, and I felt alone when I was with Gabe. But I was alone now. Drifting through space in a vague direction, completely isolated from anything living. It was terrifying, but also strangely comforting.

I tilted my head to lean back against the chair of the ship and closed my eyes. I was astonished by the quiet. It really was just me. I smiled, gaining a sudden burst of determination.

If this 'White Lion' was out here somewhere, I'm going to find it.

I stopped the ship. "Grandfather... Grandmother..." I murmured, eyes closed. "Where is my father's creation? I need your guidance."

I didn't hear a voice, and no one appeared on the ship, but I got this feeling. Like the universe was showing me the way. I grinned, turning the ship around. I shot off in that direction.

The ship was able to more or less fly itself. I just sat back, occasionally adjusting my heading as I listened to music.


"Alura!" I exclaimed as the Princess walked into the bridge. "You're awake!"

"That I am," she said amused. "What have I missed?"

"Everyone's kind of doing their own tasks," Shiro told her. "We've been watching the scanners. Wormholes are showing up like clockwork, but without wormholes of our own, we have no way to investigate them."

"Hate to spring all of this on you at once," I started. "But we need to get to this spot." I pointed to a spot where the wormholes seemed to be coming from. "Can you get us there?"

"Absolutely," she said firmly. "Let's get going right away."


"Have you ever wept before, Percy?" Chiron asked me. The titan war had just ended, and I was attending the festivities on Olympus. I was speaking with the centaur about what I had done while off-world. I had just told him about the conversation with team Voltron after I fought Zarkon.

I thought about his question. Had I wept before? It seemed like a ridiculous question. "No," I shook my head, "I haven't."

"I believe you should find a place where you can," he told me. "Either with someone or on your own."

"Why?" I asked him, "How is that useful?"

"You'll find it might give you closure."

"Chiron I don't understand," I said.

"You will," he assured, taking my shoulders. "Your mind is at war, but peace will not come naturally. You must find it." I only looked at him, "Your silence will kill you, even if the Titan King cannot."

His words rang through my head every day. It had been over a year since our conversation, and I still didn't understand what he meant. Sighing, I turned my attention to the ship.

I couldn't really explain the feeling I got the lion. It was a tugging in my gut. As if I were wearing a harness and a rope was attached to my lower intestine. According to Bianca, using godly powers also felt like that, but it didn't feel particularly divine to me. The universe works in mysterious ways.

Whatever was causing it, I followed it regardless. It led me to a planet about as far from Earth as you could get before dropping off the maps.

It appeared to be very similar to Earth's moon. The surface was a deep grey, and everything appeared to be bathed in a silvery glow. It had an atmosphere, but it was barely strong enough to stay together on its own. Yet somehow, it was dotted with, completely deserted or destroyed, small towns spread across the planet.

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