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"You look hideous..." Amir stated. "I've never seen you look so pitiful. I never expected to see you look so controlled."

Decha rolled his eyes. Then he looked at Jax, who was standing next to Amir and dressed in formal attire. Traditional Astellian clothes which were a long robe or coat tied and fitted around his waist with a golden pin clipped on the area of his left chest.

The golden pin was a pretty big deal. "Congratulations, by the way, Council Member Strout." Decha nodded at him in approval.

Jax smiled shyly and lowered his head. Amir chuckled and slapped his hand on Jax's shoulder. "This kid has been acting like a puppy all day. Everyone's treating him like royalty."

"How is N926 getting used to your new role?" 

"Abby? She's uh... enjoying it a little too much. I think she likes the attention. She brags to everyone now."

"That's shameful. That's a reason why I don't see myself settling down so soon. You both look worn out." Amir scoffed. "I'll enjoy my bachelor life for as long as I can."

"I dunno about that, Amir," Jax smirked. "I saw you by the border chatting it up with a shopkeeper. A bracket woman at that..."

"I wasn't—" Amir's face went red and he huffed. "I was helping her load her things onto a pod. You didn't see anything."


"I mean it kid, shut it," Amir growled, and Decha chortled at the two. It was good to see the two become closer while Decha was recovering. Amir had to handle the paperwork at the Agency and find more evidence to keep Windsor locked away. Jax had to prepare for his trial and aid the council to close the case.

The two must've had to work together without him at some point.

"I haven't heard that laugh in a while," Jax pointed to Decha and stepped forward. "You see it, Amir? He's smiling."

Decha stopped chortling and his expression rested back into its usual position. Cold and distant. Jax moved his eyes from Decha and glanced at Rory, who was still peacefully asleep. "There's still no signs of response?"

"No..." Decha rubbed his face. His eyes were baggy, and he was much quieter than usual. He knew that in a few days, he'd have to go. For the first time, he was contemplating whether he should deny the request.

It was possible, but it could mean risking the safety of the Sectors. Aers and Portoland's alliance took Decha months to finally help establish. He didn't want anything bad to affect the Sectors, as they barely had time to recover from the bombs.

If he did leave, he knew he wouldn't be able to see Rory for a while. As much as he cared about her, he knew that denying his work was just not the right thing to do.

He thought about it for a while.

"You still think she's gonna wake up before you head back Outside?" Amir inquired, his tone was dark and serious.

"She probably won't," Decha responded softly.

"Mrs. Chen says her health is good. She's improving physically. Isn't that enough to encourage you to move on?"

"I made a promise to her..." Decha swirled his thumb around the back of Rory's hand. "I told her I'd be here when she wakes up."

Amir and Jax looked at each other awkwardly. Since when was Decha ever this sentimental?

"Loyalty is a great trait to have, but it can also be your greatest downfall." Amir spoke, "We learned that when we were cadets."

"I remember,"

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