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josh ran around hastily trying to get everything in place. today was tyler's birthday and he wanted everything to be perfect.

just as josh finished the final decoration, tyler walked in with some lunch.

"whatcha doin babe?" tyler asked josh as he set the bag of chipotle down.

"uh, just cleaning around a bit." he answered as he sat down at their little table.

josh hoped tyler found that convincing, he wanted this to be a surprise. the two ate lunch in a comfortable silence, sharing a few kisses & small talk.


6pm came & somehow josh was able to keep tyler unaware of his surprise.
tyler was taking a nap so josh started setting everything up.

he pulled out the cake he had gotten made, a picture of josh kissing tyler on the cheek with the caption,

"happy birthday ty!" it was kinda a cliche caption, but he knew tyler would love it.

josh went into his room and shook the sleepy tyler.

"tyler, tyler wake up." tyler groaned and looked up at his boyfriend, confused as to why he was wearing a party hat. but then it dawned on him.

"c'mon I need to show you something!" josh said as he tugged at his arm. tyler arose and followed suit.

"what the hell josh why are the lights off?" tyler complained as he looked around the dark dorm.

"surprise!" the lights flicked on and there stood, josh with a cake in his hands. and debby, mark, & brendon.

tyler smiled the biggest smile he could muster.

"happy birthday baby." josh said as he approached tyler with the cake.

"don't just stand there making googly
eyes at each other, blow out the candles!" mark exclaimed at the two.

"don't forgot to make a wish!" debby piped in.

tyler shut his eyes and made a wish, he then blew out the candles.

"move I want cake." brendon said as he made his way to the table.

"the birthday boy gets his piece first, chill." josh said cutting into the sweet treat.

he gave tyler his piece first then served the rest.

presents rolled around and tyler was excited. who wasn't excited when it came to getting presents?

"okay me first obviously." josh said as he handed tyler a box.

tyler smiled and opened it, it was a picture frame. no, it was one if those electronic frames that had tons of pictures on them.

tyler smiled as he watched the pictures of him & the boy he loved flash throughout the frame.

"aw thank you josh, I love it." he gave josh a kiss then put the present down.

"okay now it's me!!" brendon exclaimed handing tyler a terribly wrapped box.

"it's the present that matters, not the appearance of the wrapping paper." he stated sassily.

the group laughed as tyler ripped through the paper. once he got it all off his face tired bright red.

"assorted fruit flavored condoms?" brendon nodded at the boy and winked.

"yeah, you're welcome." everyone busted out laughing at the scene.

debby's present consisted of a hundred dollar itunes card & a new game for their xbox.

marks present was a surprise, a polaroid. tyler was blown away, this was actually something he'd wanted for awhile.

"oh my god thank you mark!" tyler said getting up & giving him a hug.

"you're welcome joseph." he said as they broke away from the hug.


the party was over and the two had just finished cleaning.

josh had something in mind though, he wanted to make tonight a special night.



enjoy my lil rare pepes

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