Chapter Two: The Favorite

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Hugo gave a small sigh of pleasure as a brush tangled through his wet hair and the steamy rose petal water soothed his dry skin. 

This wasn't bad at all. He hadn't bathed in weeks and when he had, it'd been in the town river where people often dumped their refuse. He'd been craving a shower for a while, but he'd never imagined such pampering as he was receiving now.

After given a sponge, Hugo washed his chest. He watched as all the grime ran down into the bath water. 

"You are not from here, are you, Sir Hugo?" Yong asked, now massaging something into his hair that smelled familiar. 

The touch on his head felt heavenly. "Yes. I'm from Donellavilla. Really far away from here. Say, what's that you're using in my hair?"

"Rosemary and Lavender water. It will help with dry scalp and provides relaxation as well as revitalization."

How true these claims were was dubious, but the sound of it all did not break the illusion of the spa day Hugo was having. "Were you born in the castle, Yong?"

The young man paused for a moment before answering, "Yes. My father worked here before me and his father before him. I come from a long line of castle servants, and I am honored to work under royalty where I am given lodging and a fair wage."

"They treat you well here?"

"Oh yes. I am given very fine meals indeed considering my status. I am not as lucky as you are though, Sir Hugo. This is an exceptional opportunity for you. I am sure you are feeling especially blessed."

As he dug harder into Hugo's scalp, the blond could only give an inebriated, "Yes, very blessed," before humming in delight again.

After the bath, Yong was helping him into loose-fitting linen shorts that went to his knees paired with a white, long-sleeved shirt of the same material, then had him sit to put on his hose which were white stockings. The hose didn't contain elastic, so they had to be held up by a garter or ribbon that was tied above the knee. 

Next came his shoes then all the complicated outer garments. Sir Andrew must have been around the same body shape, because the clothes fit him quite well. Hugo watched as a complex fitted jacket, or doublet, was fastened around his body, the massive sleeves split to reveal blue cloth underneath. His breeches were also blue and a bit voluminous. Looking in the nearby mirror, he caught sight of himself and stared.

"Oh wow... I look fucking good!" he exclaimed, nodding at his reflection in approval.

Yong snorted before placing a blue soft bonnet over the blond hair which had been parted down the middle and now hung loosely at the sides. Hugo was grateful for his decision to wear contacts since explaining his modern styled glasses would've been a headache.

"Your meal will be brought to you shortly, Sir Hugo." The young man bowed and turned to leave.

"Thanks, Yong. You're the best."

He blinked in surprised then gave a big toothy grin. "You are welcome, Sir."

"Please, just Hugo is fine."

"Mm no. Sir will do." His face was serious again and he gave a short bow before leaving.

Hugo shook his head, giving a small laugh before realizing with sudden wide eyes that this was his chance to swoon over all the historical artifacts in his room. He'd barely gotten through looking through a fancy perfume collection in the bathroom when there was a knock at his door.

"Er, come in!" he shouted, and it swung open.

Three men walked in carrying what looked like a small banquet compared to what Hugo had been eating the past several months. Fruits, meats, bread, cheeses, and red wine was set down at a delicately carved wooden table in the corner of his room.

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