Chapter Fifteen: Uncovered

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The tips of Hugo's fingers were pruney as he once again used hot water to soothe his stresses. This time he was in his own bathroom, his arms tucked over his knees in the little tub full of rose petals.

"Do you wish to get out, Sir Hugo?" Yong asked, making him jump slightly. "You have been in for over an hour."

"Oh. I guess I have." He laid his head back and sighed. "Yong. Do you think I deserve love?"


"I just don't think I'm worthy of affection."

"What has brought you down this line of thinking? Has something happened between you and the prince?"

"No. We're doing really great actually. It's just, I'm used to being a burden to people, or in the case of my adoptive mother, a tool to be used to further her own ambitions. I feel so... pointless."

"You are far from that, Sir. Allow me." He began working on Hugo's shoulder muscles with expert fingers. "I believe you are putting too much pressure and anxiety on yourself when you already have the love and affection you desire from those you care about. Have more confidence in yourself."

He closed his eyes and winced as the literal rocks in his upper body were pulverized. "It's funny. Rene was just calling me confident earlier. But I'm not. It's all an act."

"Perhaps that is where it needs to start, so you can believe it is real until it becomes so."

"Mm. Fake it 'til you make it. I like it." He exhaled quickly. "That's very wise of you, Yong. You'd make a good therapist, you know."

He chuckled. "Well, whatever a therapist is, I am sure I would excel at the role."

A grin spread over his face as he kept his eyes shut. They blinked open when a knock was heard at his bedroom door. The fingers halted over his shoulders.

"Shall I get it?" Yong offered. "I do believe your doorman is off to bed at this hour."

"Yes. Please."

He left, and Hugo twirled his fingers in the water, wondering who it might be since he wasn't meant to see Varian tonight.

The door opened, and Yong returned. "Sir Rene wishes to see you, Sir."

He gave a little shriek, standing upright in the tub with a big woosh sound. "Shit. Help me get changed. Quickly!"

Yong grabbed his night things from a nearby dresser while Hugo toweled himself dry like his life depended on it.

"No, not that nightgown!" he said while fluffing his hair with the towel. "I need the frilly one that makes my shoulders look broader."

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Do you wish to look handsome for Sir Rene?"

"What? No! I just need to be presentable. Now hurry. I can't keep him waiting." He lifted his arms as the requested garment was slid over his head, and Yong bit back a smug grin.

"Might I recommend your green silk robe to go over it, Sir?"

"Oh, yes! That will look great." An intricately stitched emerald, sleeveless silk robe was slipped over his shoulders. "Alright. Thanks Yong. You're relieved to go to bed now."

"Are you certain? Shall I bring anything for your special evening with Sir Rene? Wine, more cushions, candles perhaps?"

"What?" His voice cracked. "It's nothing like that. Stop making that face. We're just friends."

"Of course, Sir."

"We are! Now go to bed!" Giving him a light shove, he shook his head slightly when Yong stifled another giggle before making for the door.

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