Chapter Seventeen: Two Lovers

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"You have been brought forth for alleged crimes against the crown and against God," King Quirin boomed, and shit if that wasn't a terrifying man when he needed to be. His enormous size wasn't helping either. 

Hugo's head was bowed as he kneeled in front of the king's throne. He held his tongue and tried to keep from shitting himself. Rene was kneeled beside him along with Andrew, and Prince Varian sat at the front with his father.

"Sir Andrew accuses you of consorting with witchcraft," the scary man continued, "and of bewitching my son, Prince Varian and his companion, Sir Rene. Do you plead guilty?"

"I," Hugo squeaked, then took a second to clear his throat. "I do not."

"What evidence have you?"

He opened his mouth to respond when a different voice projected around the room. "Only my word as a prince," Varian said boldly, "and the words of all those in town who have overcome the sickness in the water since Hugo's arrival here."

"Prince Varian." The king considered his son in surprise. "You link their recovery to this ward?"

"I do, Your Majesty. Hugo's presence is a sign of providence, not devilry. Sir Andrew's heart has been pierced with jealousy since I brought Hugo here. He is the one in danger of upsetting God. Are we not taught to not covet what others possess? I do believe you will find my statement correct when you question my other companions."

"Is this true, Sir Andrew? Do you feel mistreated?" 

The boastful man beside Hugo finally spoke for the first time since the trial began. "The prince has changed since Sir Hugo's arrival," he said calmly, remaining bowed before the king, "and I do not believe for the better. I worry for his salvation."

"His salvation?" There was an air of accusation in Quirin's voice. "And you are worthy of making a judgement on such a thing?"


"Do not think yourself higher than your station. Perhaps there is truth in my son's words and perhaps there is not, but you do not have the authority to judge his worth. I know your father, Sir Andrew, and he is not an altogether honorable man. It is true Corona has recovered considerably since Hugo's arrival. Perhaps you advocate for the wrong side."

"Father, what are you suggesting?" Varian asked.

"I am suggesting that an unfavorable spirit may reside in this man. A jealous, spiteful spirit, and one that could be the cause of the arrival of the sickness of water. Sir Andrew, do you consult with devils after dark?"

"Wha—" Hugo glanced over to see the man pale in the face. "I would never, Your Majesty—"

"Then you will drop the matter. Your assault on Hugo will be forgiven but you are to leave Corona castle by nightfall. That is all."

Hugo blinked up at Varian who returned an equally surprised expression. Beside him, Andrew bit back what looked like a storm of curses as he bowed and turned from the king, but not before he shot a nasty glare Hugo's way. 


"Ba-bye, Andy poo!" Hugo sang mockingly from Varian's bedroom window, even though he was up in the tallest tower, way too far away to actually see Sir Andrew leaving the castle. He propped his head up with one hand, grinning easily. "You know, I might actually miss that asshole. He spiced things up around here."

Varian came up behind him, hugging him around the middle. "I am glad you are okay, Darling," he murmured, burrowing his nose into the back of Hugo's shirt. "I was so worried about you. I thought perhaps my father would send you away, maybe even execute you."

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