Chapter Twelve: Worth a Thousand Words

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Hugo counted the doors in the companions' wing as he passed them, halting outside the fifth when a very grumpy Sir Andrew stepped out of door number four.

"And what business, pray tell, would a canker blossom such as yourself have skulking the halls?" he grouched, his disposition especially disagreeable.

"Oh, Andrew, Buddy," Hugo said, stepping away from the door with a strained smile on his face. "What a coincidence seeing you here. Just on my way out." He strutted down the hall, giving a small wave before disappearing around the corner.

The companion murmured ill-temperedly, "Damn cullion," before his footsteps sounded in the opposite direction, becoming more and more distant. 

Standing there, pressed up against the wall looking like a fool, Hugo waited for some time before finally peeping back around the corner. Hurrying over to the fifth door again, he knocked and waited.

A servant swung it open and let him inside before loudly announcing his name, making his shoulders hike up.

"Yes, thank you, Claude," Rene said, and Hugo's eyes locked onto the copper-skinned man who was currently pressing the tip of a paintbrush to his lips while staring at a mess of art supplies laid everywhere.

"Of course, Sir Rene," the servant said before returning to his spot by the door.

"Hugo, come in my fellow," he projected without looking at him. "I am having quite the dilemma that perhaps you may assist me in resolving."

He stepped forward, looking over the many blank canvases along with some finished and half-finished paintings strewn about the place along with what seemed like a million paint brushes, crafting tools, and glass jars full of paint. The walls were also covered in different hyper-realistic painted works which he gaped at.

"Damn, you are good."

"You think so?"

Bending down, Hugo picked up a finished piece depicting the castle during wintertime with all the little town's people drawn up in fine detail. "Well duh. What was your dilemma then?"

"Hm? Oh, yes! You see, I have thought considerably about what you said the other day, and I have decided that I will inform the prince of my intentions to become a royal portrait painter."

"Oh, really?" He beamed at him. "Hey, that's great!"

"Yes. I must thank you for giving me the courage to pursue this, but the issue is, I would need to present some sort of collection of my paintings to prove my ability and I am having difficulty deciding which ones to choose. I also worry that my most recent work is several months too old. I need something fresh. Something recent."

"That makes sense. You need to show your latest skills. You thinking of painting something new then?"

"Precisely. I want to do a portrait. I need a muse. A subject to sit for me."

"Oh? Who do you have in mind?"

The copper cheeks filled with color. "Well... I was hoping you would oblige me, Sir Hugo."

His heart stopped. "Huh? M-me? You want to paint... me?"

"Would that be alright?"

"I mean... sure, I guess. But why me?"

"You have a very paintable face and lovely features." He cleared his throat slightly before adding quickly, "also there is the matter of not having anyone else to paint."

"There's no one else you can ask?"

"Well, no one in the castle anyway."

"What do you mean? You have Sir Andrew literally next door to you." He folded his arms playfully, grinning as Rene snorted in response.

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