Chapter Four: Cat's Out of the Bag

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"What were you reading just now?" Hugo asked as he walked forward.

The prince blinked over at the book on the table. "Oh, this Vardaros philosopher who has very interesting ideas about society."

"It's not Quaid, is it?"

He gasped. "The very same! You have read his text?"

"Well duh. He's one of the most influential philosophers of this time." Hugo halted when a furry creature blocked his path, rubbing its black and grey body over his legs. He stared at the raccoon. "Uh, I hate to tell you this, Your Highness, but I don't think this is a cat."

Varian giggled. "That's Ruddiger. He came orphaned with two cats and would not be separated from them, so I allow him to live here. He is really quite tame." The creature hopped into the chair Hugo approached, standing on its hind legs and sniffing curiously in the blond's direction. "Ruddiger!" Varian scolded. "Get down! What have we talked about?"

"Do you want pets, Buddy?" Hugo reached a cautious hand out, hovering it above the raccoon's head until the thing lifted his nose to accept the affection. "May I sit here?"

He turned and made to sit on the exposed corner of the chair when the raccoon leapt out of the way and into his lap in one motion. Sitting fully now, he stroked Ruddiger's back while the raccoon pressed his hands onto Hugo's chest and stared at him.

Hugo couldn't help but giggle. "You're a curious little guy. I didn't know raccoons were so soft."

"He gets baths," Varian said, and Hugo looked over to see the prince eyeing him with a little smile hidden at the corner of his mouth. "Just like all the cats, he's pampered, though I've been very strict with his diet since he was starting to gain quite a bit of weight."

A small cry of surprise escaped Hugo's mouth when the raccoon caught scent of something and began shoving his nose into the crook of his arm. "Woah, hey! Stop!" He laughed uncontrollably while the creature intently poked his nose into Hugo's side where he happened to be very ticklish.

"Ruddiger, you naughty thing! Stop that at once!"

The persistent nose found his pocket. "Okay, okay," Hugo relented through giggles, putting his hand inside. "You caught me. Here's your reward." He took out a red apple and Ruddiger instantly snatched it up and leapt off him to eat his snack in the corner.

"Ohhhh, that's why he was so insistent," Varian said, chuckling. "Ruddiger adores apples."

"That makes sense." He tried brushing off the grey fur left behind on his pants but soon realized it was a hopeless cause. "Who's that on your lap then?"

Varian looked down at the snoozing spotted cat. "This is Duke. He is a very excellent lap cat. Loves lounging. Perfect for studying when I desire a warm lap." The cat lifted his head and looked up at the prince. "Yes, I am talking about you, Duke. Do you know your name?"

Duke stood, his paws pressing into Varian's abdomen and the prince cried out in pain. "Ow, ow, ow!" He quickly took the cat up in his hands and set him down on the ground, then held an arm around his middle, wincing. "Dear me... those cat feet can be so oppressive." He gave another pained exhale and Hugo was standing.

"Are you alright?"

"I am fine. It's just... the pain has been getting worse. Hugo, I feel I cannot stand it any longer."

Concerned, he kneeled in front of him and placed a hand gently over the slim shoulder. "It'll be alright. Just a bit longer. Have my things arrived yet?

"Not yet. Apparently, it was quite a plethora. This evening I believe they will arrive."

"I see." He searched the pained blue eyes in worry. "Do you want to lay down?

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