Chapter Seven: Part of Your World

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"Sleep with me again this night, Hugo."

The blond stared, clutching the water bottle to his chest. "S-sleep?"

"Correct," Varian affirmed, smiling coyly, "unless you think I am ready for more."

"N-no," he screwed the cap on, using it as an excuse to break eye contact. "I'd suggest taking it easy until you finish the treatment..." His words trailed off as Varian reached out and lifted his chin.

"You are a shy little dove at times. I wonder why that is." He smiled sweetly, watching Hugo melt at his words. "I will follow your medical advice and swear off my companions for now until the seven days are at an end."

He blinked. "You will? Are you sure you can handle no se—I mean, companionship for a week?"

"I will have to make do but I do not find the idea to be so harrowing, knowing I will spend my days with you so often by my side." His thumb brushed over Hugo's chin as he said it. "I find myself captured by your presence and that, for now, satiates me."

"Oh," was all he could say in response as a feverish heat enveloped his face.

The prince giggled, eyes lingering on the cheeks. "You are being shy again." Taking his hand back he added, "So then, what else did you bring along with you?" His eyes went to the large backpack at Hugo's feet.

"Hm? Oh, right!" He bent down and rummaged through the bag. "Yes, let me show you. I brought anything you might need or like as well as some things for myself..."

"Bring it over here," he said, walking over to the large desk in the middle of the room topped with paper and quills. Two plush red chairs sat on either side of it.

Hugo lugged his bag over, setting it on the table. "You can refuse anything I give you. I just thought you might like to know these items exist."

Varian sat opposite him with bright, eager eyes. "I am sure I will enjoy anything from your time period. I have already with what little I have seen."

"I brought some oral hygiene stuff you might like. These toothbrushes will be much softer than the horsehair one you probably use, and the toothpaste will keep your teeth lasting longer than it normally would."

"Oh?" Varian took up the little dentist bag filled with unused goodies. It had years worth of dental products Hugo had gotten from cleaning visits. "What is it wrapped in?" He pulled out the unopened toothbrush and stared at it.

"That's just the packaging. Here, I'll help you open it. There's floss as well. I can show you how to use all this if you want."

"Yes, I would prefer that. Oh, the bristles are soft." He rubbed his thumb over it. "It will really lengthen the life of my teeth? Many here lose teeth around thirty years old. Is that not normal in your land?"

"No, it's not. Most people don't lose any teeth but that's also because they have access to a dentist. Maybe someday you can travel back with me, and we can get you an appointment."

"Hm, I should like that. Your time period sounds so very interesting. I find I cannot stop thinking about it."

"And I can't stop thinking about yours," he admitted, pulling out his next items.

"What is this?" Varian asked, taking one of the several deodorants Hugo had laid out. 

Hugo popped a lid off one and held it out to him. "You rub the scent under your bare arm, and it gives you a nice smell. I brought all the flavors I thought you'd like."

"Flavors? They are edible?" He lifted the thing to his mouth and Hugo put a hand over it to stop him.

"No." He couldn't help but chuckle. "When I said flavor, I meant scent. Give it a sniff."

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