Chapter Sixteen: The Consequence of Time

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"It's just behind the left sliding door of my closet," Hugo said from the other room while Rene sat in the plush red chair. "Why don't you grab your canvas while you're waiting before I forget?"


Opening the closet, Rene spotted his canvas at once and reached for it, then hesitated. Something tucked away in the corner caught the light, glistening gold. 

"What is that?" he mumbled, noticing ornate jewels on the side of something partly hidden under a blanket. Why would Hugo have something so precious in his closet? Had he... stolen from the prince?

Heart racing, he picked it up, glancing over his shoulder a few times as he did. He unwrapped it, then stared at the little golden chest with a key already set in the lock.

"What else have you taken?" he whispered, certain there must be more inside as he turned the key. His breath was taken away as the lid flew open of its own accord, and light burst out, knocking him off his feet. 

Dazed, he pulled himself up, looking back at the glowing object. "What in the..." He reached out to touch the strange magic and was swept away in an instant.

"Who the fuck are you?"

Rene looked around in confusion at the smooth white walls, achingly bright lights coming from the ceiling, the chilly air, and now up at this angry older woman in pants with long gray hair and a scar across her face standing over him.

"H-huh? Where... where am I?"

"Where is my son?" she demanded. "Where's Hugo?"  

"Hugo? You... you know Hugo?"

"Of course, I know him. I'm his adoptive mother. Why do you have the chest but you're not with him?"

"The... chest..." He looked down at the golden thing in his lap and stared. "Oh. Right. This was concealed in his closet. There was a key in it and—"

"He left the damn key in it too?" she shrieked, face palming. "That fucking idiot... I told him this would happen. I can't believe this."

"Erm, pardon me, Miss, but where am I?" He stood on shaky legs. "I was just with Hugo a moment ago and well, oh dear, none of this looks familiar. Have I traveled outside the castle somehow?"

She scoffed. "It's a bit more complicated than that. How do I put this? This is about five hundred years in the future from where you were just at. This is where Hugo is from."

"He is... this place is... I am afraid I do not understand."

She patted him on the arm. "You'll catch up in time, especially since now, because of Hugo's absolute stupidity, I get to take care of you the next three months until you can return to your time."

"The next three months? Please, take me back to the castle. Hugo is waiting for me. I do not know what all this is about, but Prince Varian is to see me tomorrow morning and—"

"You don't get it. You have to wait here for three months before you can go back." She sighed. "I suppose this means I'm not getting my stolen artifacts..." 


"Well, never mind. You better come with me before you stick a fork in a toaster or give yourself carbon monoxide poisoning from leaving the stove dials turned or something stupid. Come on."

"Now wait just a moment. If this is all true and Hugo is truly from the future, why was he in the past in the first place? Where did this chest come from?"

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