Chapter Eleven: Royal Obligations

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Varian's heart pounded as he was let into the king's chamber.

His father sat regally at a large desk in the corner, silently writing with a quill when the prince's name was formally announced.

Stern eyes glanced up. "Varian. Come here, my son."

The cold tone pierced through him like ice. "Yes, Your Majesty." He made his way slowly over. King Quirin was usually such a pushover, always letting Varian have his way more often than not, but occasionally he'd snap and put a tight leash back around him. Varian's fears of his father's leniency declining were unfortunately, appearing to be coming to fruition.

"Sit." The king put down the quill and fixed him with a grave expression. "I have been hearing a great deal about you and Sir Hugo, not all things promising. Explain to me your relationship with this ward."

"We... we are friends, Father."

"So I have heard. You have grown so close you have not been seeing your other companions. Why is that?"

"I have grown fond of him is all, as I did with my other companions."

"No. Not as with your other companions." His furious tone made Varian shrink back slightly. "You have never shown such interest in one person before. I have been informed you spend every meal together and all the time in between. I know he has been staying in your room each night." Mouth dry, the prince kept his facial expressions under control. "This ward has also been associated with many strange objects that could condemn him of the sentiments declared in town against him. I am sure you are aware of this."

"Y-yes, Father, and I examined the objects myself and found them uninteresting and harmless. Hugo is from a place far from here and therefore the items he brought with him are dissimilar to our own but not in any way something to be alarmed of." He wasn't lying, well, except for the part about the objects being uninteresting... "There is nothing to be concerned about. I care for him, Father, so I wish to continue seeing him."

"Varian," he brought his hand down on the table, and stood. "This ward's behavior concerns me. I must ensure he is not beguiling you. If I must hear of your associations with your companions, I wish to hear of you spending time with the others as well and not only him. You may only take supper with this ward, Hugo, from now on and no other meal. I will have servants present for every moment you two are together, even at night."

"What?" His voice rose an octave. "Father, please! That is absurd."

"Do not question my authority, Varian. I may be your father, but you forget I am also the king of Corona." 

He blinked, lowering his tone as well as his head. "Your Majesty, please. At least allow me privacy when I am sleeping. Would you wish your servants to be present when your courtesans visit?"

"I may do as I please because I am the king... but very well. I will allow you at least that, however, I will not ease up on my suspicion of your ward. You are not to grow too attached to him. If he is a witch, then you are in grave danger, my son. I only wish to protect you."

"I am perfectly safe, Father. I assure you."

"You cannot guarantee such assurances, so I will put these precautions in place. Aside from that, there is another matter I wish to discuss with you. People have begun to talk, and I need you married off soon. What kingdom would wish to have anything to do with an unmarried prince who is rumored to fall in love with his male companions? You have grown careless. You may still see your companions after you are married but all intimate interactions must remain behind closed doors."

He swallowed. "Yes, Your Majesty."

"This escapade with Hugo can never be serious. You understand, do you not?"

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