Chapter 56

289 17 12

Mexico - Manzanillo

-=| Fifteen minutes ago |=-


A man stood silently on the edge of a rooftop, gazing out over the sprawling port city below. His laser-like eyes seemed to scan the landscape, as if searching for something. A golden and red armor covered the entirety of his lower half with a large crystal white tail wagging ominously behind him.

As he stood there, a gust of wind picked up, tousling his majestic blond hair and causing his crimson tattoos to ripple across his skin. He didn't seem to notice, lost in thought as he pondered deeply about something.


Upon meeting the young black-haired Saiyan girl, Killua with his omniscient senses quickly found out that she was not an ordinary pawn of an Outer God like those arrogant poor souls he had erased in the past. He noticed that she seemed to be directly connected to the Root of Existence's system, just like him. This realization was concerning, and Killua decided to remain within a few kilometers of the girl, but he made sure to stay out of her visual range while monitoring her.

Initially, if the girl was just a simple pawn of the Outer Gods, Killua had planned to tame and brainwash her. However, he couldn't take her lightly now that he knew the truth. Killua was not naive and realized that the girl had the potential to be just as strong, if not stronger, than him.

No matter how negligible that chance was, it was unacceptable for Killua. He will remove all and any dangerous variables. And he will not let pathetic things like human emotions stand in his way.

Killua's inhuman eyes narrowed to a laser-like focus as he gazed upon the girl sitting silently on a public bench in the peaceful port city. With a cold determination, he pointed his finger at her, and from the tip of his index finger, a small dark sphere began to form. This sphere contained the most powerful concentration of Hakai energy the world has ever witnessed, and it was utterly terrifying in its intensity. Killua meticulously controlled his Hakai energy to avoid erasing the galaxy by mistake.

"No hard feelings lady. You are just unlucky."

Once he was confident in his aim, he flung the dark sphere with all his might towards the unsuspecting girl sitting on the bench. Its speed was so great that it might as well have been instantaneous. However, just as the sphere of total annihilation was on the verge of striking its target, it inexplicably dissipated into nothingness, leaving behind no trace of its existence.


Killua's eyes widened in surprise, and he quickly realized that something was preventing his attack from reaching its target. He tried to launch another sphere, but once again, it was neutralized before it could even get close to the girl.

"What is this?" Killua muttered to himself, growing frustrated at the unexpected obstacle in his way.

After several attempts, Killua was about to get serious when he finally received a notification from the Root of Existence's system, which informed him that the girl was registered as a new Gamer within the system and he was an experienced Host. This meant that any attacks from him against her would be neutralized for an unspecified amount of time, as it would disrupt the balance of the game.

"What load of bullshit."

Killua knew that he had countless ways to eliminate the girl, regardless of the system's protections. However, he understood that doing so would have consequences that he couldn't ignore. Especially when the Root of Existence is involved.

With a frustrated expression, Killua reluctantly withdrew his hand and took a step back, still watching the girl carefully. He knew he had to find another way to deal with her.

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