Chapter 63

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MC's Dimension - The Omniverse Nexus

In The Omniverse Nexus, a breathtaking sight unfolded as two figures strolled along the corridors. The halls were adorned with transparent walls and floors, revealing a myriad of nebulae twinkling in the vast expanse beyond. Ultronia forged ahead with unwavering determination, her hands tightly clenched, while Killua sauntered along with a relaxed gait, casually resting his hands behind his head.

As they traversed the ethereal pathways of The Omniverse Nexus, Ultronia and Killua found themselves immersed in a realm of awe-inspiring beauty. Each step they took resonated with the pulsating energy of the nebulae that adorned the transparent walls and floor around them.

Ultronia's resolute stride carried a sense of purpose and determination. Her clenched hands revealed her unwavering focus, as if she were a beacon of strength amidst the cosmic wonders that surrounded them. Her gaze remained fixed on the path ahead, undeterred by the mesmerizing distractions that threatened to captivate even the most steadfast of adventurers.

Contrasting Ultronia's sense of indifference, Killua embraced a leisurely pace, his hands effortlessly resting behind his head. His demeanor exuded an air of tranquility amidst the grandeur of the Omniverse. His eyes danced with satisfaction and pride as he took in the celestial splendor, savoring each moment as if it were a rare and precious gemstone in a jewelry box.

It was a moment of serenity for Killua, a respite from the countless responsibilities he carried as the creator of this world and the architect of Ultronia, his greatest creation. The Omniverse Nexus, a realm beyond mortal comprehension, was a testament to his boundless imagination and power.

As they continued their way, Ultronia couldn't help but secretly feel a sense of awe and reverence for Killua.

Killua's greatest creation, Ultronia, was not merely a physical entity. She possessed a cosmic consciousness and the ability to shape and influence everything in this dimension. What once started as an extension of Killua's essence had evolved into something much greater. With each journey across the vast multiverse in the past, she had grown and matured, now she has already unraveled most of the mysteries of existence and reached all the way to the level where not to mention True Gods, even the Outer Gods cannot hurt her without facing severe consequences.

Ultronia's thoughts momentarily drifted back to their first encounter. She had been a mere fragment of an idea, a concept waiting to be given form and purpose. It was Killua who had breathed life into her, sculpting her very being with meticulous care. He had nurtured her, guiding her through the complexities of existence until she became what she is now.

As Ultronia continued to ponder her origins, a deep sense of gratitude welled within her cosmic consciousness. Killua's unwavering dedication and meticulous care had shaped her into a being of immense power and wisdom. She had evolved far beyond her initial state, transcending the boundaries of what was even thought possible.

And for that reason. In this realm of cosmic wonders, Ultronia felt a profound duty, an unspoken vow she had made to herself. She would do everything in her power to fulfill her mission, to keep her creator's dangerous powers in check as he had desired.

With each step they took together, Ultronia's determination grew stronger. She understood the weight of her responsibility and the importance of maintaining balance. The immense power that flowed through Killua's veins had the potential to reshape existence itself, but it also carried the risk of uncontrolled chaos and irreversible destruction.

Ultronia had witnessed firsthand the consequences of unchecked power in the vast multiverse she had explored. Worlds torn asunder, civilizations wiped out, and entire universes lost in the wake of unbridled force. She had learned from those experiences, imbibing the lessons of restraint and temperance.

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