Chapter 64

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Gensokyo - The Scarlet Devil Mansion Outside Entrance

In front of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Hong Meiling stood with trembling hands, struggling to bear the weight of the immense energy sphere floating above her. Its sheer magnitude resembled a mountain, casting a terrifying shadow over the nearby lake. The pulsating power flowed through her fingertips, filling her with awe. It was a power she had been entrusted with for some reason by a deranged male intruder, but she knew she couldn't handle it alone.

She initially attempted to employ the Preta Path of her Rinnegan to absorb the energy. However, despite her relentless efforts for over half an hour, she could only absorb a mere 15% of its immense power. Any further absorption would risk her Ki pathways bursting, leading to a loss of control over the sphere. She had no doubt that it could easily obliterate Gensokyo if not the entire planet with it.

Overwhelmed and disappointed, Meiling made the difficult choice to deactivate her Rinnegan. Stepping back, she allowed the colossal energy sphere to hover ominously above her hands, crackling and pulsating with an otherworldly intensity. She realized her own abilities were insufficient to handle such an overwhelming force of Ki, and she desperately needed assistance.

"My young lady!" Meiling's voice carried a blend of urgency and desperation as she called out to the younger vampire nearby. "Please, I need your help! I cannot handle this energy alone."


To her dismay, Flandre seemed lost in her own world of sorrow. The young vampire sat pitifully by the mansion's gate, tears streaming down her face. Meiling's heart ached at the sight of Flandre's anguish, but she couldn't let her own despair consume her.

With a trembling voice filled with distress, Meiling called out to Flandre. "My young lady! I understand you are going through a difficult time, but right now, we must set aside our troubles and work together. This energy sphere threatens the entire world, and if we don't act swiftly, everything we hold dear could be destroyed!"

Fortunately, those last words caught Flandre's attention, and she slowly lifted her head to look at Meiling.

"I... I'm sorry," Flandre stammered through her sobs. "I didn't mean to ignore you. I just... I couldn't find him. I couldn't find Killua."

Meiling's heart sank upon hearing Flandre's words. She had hoped that Flandre would assist her in this dire situation, but it seemed that Flandre's fear and sorrow over Killua's disappearance had consumed her. Meiling understood the depth of Flandre's attachment to that terrifying man and the fear his absence instilled in her.

"I know how much K-Killua means to you, Flandre," Meiling spoke hesitantly, her voice filled with empathy and sudden fear. "But right now, we need to focus on this energy sphere! It poses a grave threat, not just to Gensokyo, but to the entire world! We cannot let our fear and sadness consume us."

Flandre sniffled, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. "But... I don't know if I can help, Meiling. I feel so powerless without Killua. I want Killua..."

Meiling bit her lip in frustration and continued to persuade her, "My young lady, you may not realize it, but you possess incredible strength within you. With your power, we can overcome this challenge. You just need to believe in yourself."

Flandre looked up at Meiling, her eyes reflecting deep despair. "Alright... I'll try..."

Meiling nodded approvingly. "That's the spirit. Now, let's face this together. We'll combine our strengths—"


Ignoring Meiling's continued attempts to lift her spirits, Flandre slowly rose like a lifeless corpse and dragged herself towards Meiling. Once she stood beside her and looked up, the young vampire frowned, shielding her lifeless eyes from the brightness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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