Ah... good memories!

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A/N: A great thank you to my lovely muffin coworker That_One-Asshole for helping out here. It is only thanks to her that this book could be finished pretty fast and also up for the may update! :) 

Bakugo's POV:

I walk down the empty hallways of my mansion, passing staff, my personnel and other extras I didn't care to get to know. Shitty hair told me that we had a meeting with some random weapons dealer but that's the only thing on my itinerary today.

Me(mumbling): Stupid hag, making me take over the 'family business' I never wanted this, I could've stayed with Deku, but nooo. A bakugou should never allow themselves to be a house pet.

???: So who's deku?

The hair on my tail bristled as I wrapped a clawed hand around dunce face's neck. I saw his face get pale as he tried to get away.

Me: You stupid idiot! What is your problem?!

He gave me a dopey smile and shrugged. I let him go and continue on my way to my room. Dunce was a good friend of mine. A little stupid... ok a lot stupid but he's comedic relief. Dunce continued ranting about whatever, most likely already forgetting the fact that I nearly killed him not even thirty seconds ago.

Me: Can't you go bother Pinky or soy sauce? I'm going to my room.

The idiot, blinked at me, see, stupid. He wrapped his arm around me and continued running the rest of the way to my room. No one was allowed in my room, but Denki was the only one brave enough, or it's sheer stupidity that made him come in my room.

Me: So you're staying with me? Even if I tell you I want to be alone?

The other blonde had the balls to nod. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed heavily, leave it to Denki to be the only person who I can cave to except deku.

Denki: Sooooo... Who's deku?

I turned around and glared at him, his dopey smile still there. Rolling my eyes, I sat on my bed and patted the spot next to me. Denki jumped onto my bed, causing me to nearly be thrown off.

Me: Dunce! You fat fuck! You're heavy!

He laughed and scratched behind my cat ears. I swiped his hand away and threw a pillow at him.

Denki: Well I am a growing boy.

Me: Idiot.

Denki: I'm your best friend tho.

I suppressed the smile and took something from inside my bedside drawer. I showed it to Denki and he gasped.

Denki: You're mated?!

I covered his mouth and held up a finger to my mouth, a universal sing for Shut the fuck up. He nodded and cleared his throat. I held the small cat collar close to my chest and smiled before glaring at the blonde who was grinning.

Me: You remember when I ran away when we were 15?

Denki: Yeah, your mom found you and forced you to come back to take over the business.

I scowled and nodded.

Me: The person who... took me in? Gave me this collar... To us it's a sign of loyalty and promise. But to humans in his world. It's one of ownership.

Denki: Wait wait wait, you went to the other world. And got captured?!

Me: No you dumb fuck. I was adopted... well that's what he said anyways. He treated me like an equal, I was never put in danger, it was as if I'm human when we were together. Even though I couldn't talk, he made me feel included.

Denki: Aww, Baku's got a crush~

I took up my previously thrown pillow and hit him harder with it. He cackled even more and laid back on my bed, looking up at me with a smile.

Denki: So? Tell me more about him. He seems to be important to you.

My face heated up and I felt the orange gems on the collar.

Me: He's really pretty, curly green hair with black roots, green eyes, but if you look closer, you see these gold and blue flecks of colour. He has four freckles on each cheek and he has this smile that lights up the room, you can't help but smile with him. He has no sense of fashion though. I used to help him when I was with him but I bet he's spiralled back into his bad fashion while I was gone. He's really short too, and he has lots of freckles all over his body too-

Denki: Why were you staring at his body?

I looked away and pushed his stupid face away from mine. Ignoring the cackling from my friend, I laid back and held the collar close once more. Izuku was the only person besides Denki who treated me like I'm some important person. Sure Pinky, Shitty hair and soy sauce were my friends but even they treat me like I'll have them killed if they disagree with me.

Denki: You miss him a lot, don't you?

I nodded and covered my face, remembering the last time he spoke to me. It was after he came home from a date with his then boyfriend, he found out he was cheating and they ended up breaking up. He came home crying and swore to never love anyone else again, except me of course. We fell asleep with him hugging me close, then my mother showed up and forced me back home. I didn't even get to see him smile one more time. I can't even visit, because I'm always busy with the 'Business' or I was injured.

Denki: I'm sorry, Katsu. You didn't deserve to have your happiness taken from you like that. Even if you're the heir, you need peace too.

Denki hugged me and pplayed with my hair.

Me: Thanks, dune face. This means a lot.

Denki: Anytime, my fellow blonde. We have to stick together.

I smiled and closed my eyes, allowing myself to relax, eventually falling asleep. I felt Denki leave, but I didn't think much of it. He still had his work to do, he is a hacker after all.

When cat rules the world....Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin