My new costume

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Izuku's POV:

I was really happy when my little costume was done and everything. I also got the collar and made it a personal look with it. For now I was wearing a mix of white and black and let my left ear be pierced. I really wanted it all to fit. Besides that even if Kacchan said that I would get bloody, I didn't care for the white I was wearing since it was definitely gonna make me more scary with the attitude I could definitely pull off.

The first thing I did when I got out of the bathroom on Monday was actually standing in front of Kacchan and giving him the best and most cheshirish smile I could muster.

Me: So how do I look?

Kacchan(red faced): Umm, you look nice...

Me: Told ya I got a good idea. Now be my lovely cat and let me pick you up.

Did I let Bakugo say anything more? Not really. I went passed him to grab the cat collar and turn towards him smiling. Of course I saw the blush getting harder before he finally turned into a cat. I then put the collar on and put him around my shoulder as if he was my very own scarf. Meanwhile I decided to put my scarf in an inner pocket. I after all didn't wanted it to get dirty at all and headed out.

The first task was to run this organization which was not that hard. No one questioned me after the rumors about the session with the newbies and Kirishima went around.

The next part was actually dealing with some gangs and honestly that week was one of the best weeks I had. Whenever I was getting the call for Kacchan to handle things, I would head out and then I would take the guns I got from Momo and be there. There were not a single time my hands were not covered in blood since I may or may not be as forgiving which also made the round. People started to be scared of me.

To make it short, it was not really me being soft but also not me hating people. The reason I reacted as I did was because I knew how hard life was. If I saw someone stealing from the poor, it just didn't sit right with me and that time I did punch the cat from our organization until like 4 teeth came out. Then there was this other instance where 4 newbies made a ruckus and I started shooting at their feets. It worked and it was the most efficient way to shut them up for good.

Ruling with an iron fist wasn't good and I knew it but at least I wanted to tell them to never fuck around with the poor people. They don't have the possibilities nor the opportunity like they have.

On the other hand there were some gang fights where I went after the bad guys to protect people from the Bakugo organization. Let's just say revenge is sweet and they were definitely six feet under. Not only that but I made the other leaders fear me and not question me.

It was just one busy week but I was really enjoying it so far.

In the end me and Bakugo were sitting at a desk on the last day and I played with him a bit. He seemed really relaxed as a cat.

Kacchan: Mew

Me: You like this huh?

I made a small feathery toy with some utensils I ask Denki to get me when he had just like 10 minutes of break to make this to play with Bakugo. Of course I didn't wanted anyone to know that I was playing with him like a real pet.

Kacchan: Mrow

Me: Who's a good kitty? Hm? Hahaha... you know they looked at us weirdly the first day because I was walking with a cat. I think by now they learned a thing or two.

Kacchan: Mew

He stopped playing and then jumped off the table to walk around the room to the bag of clothes and grab just a shirt before running off to the next room and come back as a human.

Me: How did you enjoy your break?

Kacchan: I want chaos, I'm bored.

Me: Want to switch back roles?

I had to say I was definitely not only doing chaos but also sorting out some things to regain some order as well. However there was still the matter of that maid and I finally managed to find a lead while I was playing with Kacchan. Who said I couldn't be on the computer and play at the same time after all.

So in the end I smiled and looked up devilish at my sweet little cat.

Kacchan: I like that look on your face, go all out, I'll be right back.

Me: No... I am sure you want to deal with this as well.

I shut the computer off and stood up walking towards the cat. I had my way with words and I could manipulate this cat at least. That is something I found out ever after I put this outfit on.

Me: Come with me.

Kacchan: Ugh, fine!

Without saying much, he started following me and I think the order in this mafia organisation turned around because people bowed to me first before Kacchan even though it was literally called the Bakugo's. Anyways we walked down to the training room where I got even more people ready to follow me.

I finally found out who was behind everything and they made a grave mistake as well. So I would definitely get them.

Me: Let's go destroy that threat and give them a bit of their own medicine.

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