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Izuku's POV

Before me and Denki left the room, I made sure to actually put some small pieces of paper on the side of the door. When the door would be opened this piece of paper would fall off and be on the ground. It was really just a small paper but that was it took for me to know that someone was inside or went inside. Maybe there were not inside anymore but you never knew.

However since Kacchan stopped and let me finally catch up to him, I decided to do something he really hated. Well it was more or less payback for flipping me to the damn floor. I hated kissing and making up with the floor so much. The first thing I did was swoop him off the ground but at the same time grab his collar so I had control over his movement and make him slam against the door so it would get thrown open.

Me: How about checking it out first mate?

Kacchan: Cat privileges are gone, none tonight.

This is payback.

And don't think I couldn't hear your hiss,

Me: Fine with me. This was worth it since you basically made me make up with the floor.

I had enough fluff to go with a week and I can ask Denki so I can pet him as a cat as well.

Don't think I only need your fluffy ass Kacchan!

Don't play dumb with me!

And don't think I won't pay you back threefold if not tenfold.

I always pay back my deeds.

Kacchan: Smartass.

Me: Your fault anyways.

After Kacchan was just standing there in the room with nothing going on, I could safely say there was no one in the room. However there was still the issue with someone breaking into this room. For what purpose tho? Was there anything important to steal or was it something they were after?

Kacchan: My hag was in here, I can smell her perfume... Look around, she could have put some devices in here.

Me: Why tho?

Kacchan: She might think... Oh gods... hag ew! I can't tell you.

Me: Alright then do you mind stepping out of the room for a sec?

Kacchan: I need to take a breather anyways.

Me: Don't worry ama take care of any device in here just grab your laptop and phone and get out of the room.

When I said that I took my very own phone out of the pocket and started to unlock it as well as type some commands in my small programmable device. Did you really think that I didn't tune my own phone to be able to hack and do stuff? HECK NO! Of course I did. What else?! I wouldn't put my faith into luck after all.

So once I had Kacchan leave the room with all the important devices I went to it and started sending out a wide spectrum of frequencies where I knew that if I hit a certain one I could make the devices explode. The question was only how big of an explosion it would be. Sometimes it would only be small smoke but other times it could catch fire. Still this was not the time to actually think about it and so I started the program and looked around for any indication. There were some smoke coming from a corner so when I got there I found a camera. Then there were some small smoke also coming from some corner and in the book shelves which were apparently just devices for listening in but all in all I could say I did clean up the room.

The only thing that scared me was that there were two different kind of devices there.

Me: Kacchan! We have a problem!

Kacchan: Huh? What's up?

Me: I found some devices but they can't be all from your mother.

Kacchan: No wonder I've been calm... Denki, you MOTHERFUCKER!!

Me: No. I don't think it is him. Like these are expensive and they send stuff. If it would be Denki then he would just need a cheap one with a memory function. These are for something else.

Kacchan: Well I don't know... I only let Denki in my room, the maids only come in here to get my laundry once a week... My windows can't be opened...

Me: You remember that maid who came in here to clean and found me? I mean there was no reason for her to be here. I think she could be involved with this. She did get a lot of money for doing something after all.

Kacchan: The bitch... Yeah... She was working for another family. I think it's the one I was supposed to marry into.

Me: And involved with your family? Kacchan I think this is more about bringing your family and this whole organization down. If I am right then there are more spies.

Kacchan: Yeah, most likely... Still I should tell my mom... but I never wanted to be in the business... even though my family went through hell to be on top... Aghhh! I'll tell the hag, you eat something and take a shower, you stink. I'll be back.

Me: Kay but Kacchan... I know you might not wanted to be in this business but think about the good things you can achieve with your position. What else can anyone want?

Kacchan: To be free. I- I'll be back Izuku...

Me: I would rather be in your shoes than mine... you have no idea how much it can hurt to be free......

With that I left him to go into the shower. I knew that I might have hurt his feeling but to be honest I would love to switch with him in a heartbeat. I was free my whole life and yet I was never acknowledged. I had to go through hell to stand where I am now. Then here he was with looks, intelligence, strength and a golden spoon in his mouth complaining about his position.

It might be hard, yes but life was never easy and I knew that very well. Still being in a mafia wouldn't be that bad if he could save lives and also redirect the malice into another direction. That was at least my stand of things.

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