My dear little cat

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Izuku's POV:

I still remember that cat till now. Even after I left the window open and went out to get some nice fishcan for him, he just vanished. I spent like a month if not more to find him and I am still looking for my cute little Kacchan till now. Funny how I got the name. At some point I saw him spell or trying to do something with his paws. I think he tried imitating me while I was writing down some notes on heroes and stuff. Anyways he kinda wrote KA down and after that I just started calling him Kacchan. Quite cute for the spiky looking cat. However, his fur was soo nice and soft. I won't forget his character as well. So cuddly and nice and intelligent.


Me: I am sorry. I still need some more time.

My dream was getting into a hero school and all but it kinda really quickly got destroyed after I realized that there was no way for me to get into the hero course. This is how I got into the gen ed course and I am now in my second year doing some weeks of work experience in a hero agency collecting information. I was good at it and I kinda also loved it but this place sucked soo much.

All in all, I had a love-hate relationship with this workplace. So when the day was finally over, I was glad to walk home. Well that was what I wanted to do but I came over this small alley where I found Kacchan and he was a bit injured back then, still I kinda had hopes to find him or the collar that I made for him myself.

Me: *sigh* Kacchan... I really wanna see you again.

It may sound really hard but that cat was the only being that saw me as me and I really loved it. Sometimes it even felt as if he was more human than any other human and actual person I ever met.

I miss you...

I wanna snuggle in that fur and also hold and pet you...

How I miss you waking me up and sit on my chest as well as stare as me stubbornly till I would pet you and greet you with a good morning.

I just... I miss your cuddly and stubborn attitude.

The way you respond as if you understand me...


I must have lost myself.

I was talking to a cat and even responded back to the mews....

Me: *sigh*

I was standing there looking at the alley where I found him remembering the small little details and moments I had with him.

???: Mew!

That mew kinda really surprised me to the point I jumped away. It was a yellow cat with a lightning bolt on the side. Not only that but it was right next to my leg that the touch alone scared me soo much.

Me: Oh hey there~

I got down to greet the cat and it immediately came to my hand and started snuggling and force me to pet it. Well this cat was cute but it was nothing in comparison to my little Kacchan.

Me: Where is your family?

As much as I hated seeing street cats, this cat looked way to clean to be one of them. I mean it broke my heart to see cats struggle on the street just to survive. Maybe it was because there was a time I also struggled soo much to help my mother out so we wouldn't end up on the streets. There were days I would roam the streets just to find some garbage I could sell for some extra money to get my mom something nice to eat. She was the best mother I could had but we were not wealthy and ever since the prices and everything started skyrocket, we couldn't afford anything anymore. This was how we also got to be on the streets and in a shelter home for 3 months. So I could really relate to these animals struggling to survive.

???: Mew~

Me: Hm? What's up? You seem pretty curious.

It was just one moment of me not thinking about anything and in the next one, I saw the cat taking off while it also grabbed the small scarf I had loose around my neck. This scarf was all I had from my mother ever since she fell ill and passed away so the moment I saw the cat taking off, I hurried and ran after it.

Me: HEY! Come back kitty, kitty kitty!


I have to catch the cat!

How am I supposed to do that tho?


No matter how hard I tried to actually keep up with that cat, it was no use or so I thought. For some reasons it stopped whenever I stopped because of my poor stamina.

Me: *heavy breathing* You really... you really.... Want me.... To follow you.... Huh....

After some breaks, I continued to follow the cat until it sat right beside a fountain and before I knew it this cat just simply jumped into the water.


As stupid as I was, I jumped after it because I knew how deep that fountain was. It was one of these special ones with fishies and all and a kid could literally drown there now what about a cat then? I was kinda worried so I followed it but little did I know where I would found myself next.

Denki's POV:

I was really exited to find that person Katsuki was talking about so enthusiastically. No one could blame me for bringing him over to our world, right? I mean we treat humans as pets anyways one more or less doesn't hurt anyone.

After I got back to the cat world, I was now completely back into my human shape with my little cat ears and my cat tail waiting for the human to come over. Thankfully I didn't had to wait long and when he got here, he was soo out of breath and also passed out completely....

ME: Oh shit...





When cat rules the world....Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora