He is not exactly hero like!

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Bakugo's POV:

I tried to get away from the board, they kept making complaints and when I got clothes for Izuku, they asked if I finally got a pet. I somehow ended up in my office with them giving me a rundown of how to care for a human as if I didn't spend three years with one.

Me: I know how to take care of a human, just leave me alone!

Hizashi shook his head and wrapped his arm around my neck.

Hazashi: Katsuki, just listen to us, we know better.

I rolled my eyes and waited for them to leave. All of a sudden Denki burst into the room, pushing some maid in a cage like we would a human. I covered my mouth and snickered slightly, I hid the smile as Izuku walked in next to him.

Denki: Katsukiiiiiiiii~

Izuku: Sorry for this but you know... I am still not from this world and I don't do well with cages...

I nodded and called Izuku over. I pretended to not see the pink in his face as he sat on my desk and looked at the woman in the cage.

Izuku: Sooo I decided to actually tell you the story instead of you getting the gist and mixed up from someone else. Miss Enderson here saw me in your room and you apparently told them to clean ALL the rooms sooo she jumped to conclusions and wanted to get me out and so on... I volunteered to go with her but she shouldn't touch aka push me around but she tried, I broke her arm and this is where we are right now. Oh and before I forget to say this. You have soo many security leaks it would be easy to sneak in here.

I allowed myself to smile and got up, I stared down at Izuku and ruffled his hair before turning to 'Miss Enderson'.

Me: Miss Enderson... I told all staff that noone was allowed in my room... What were you doing in there?

Enderson: I-I...

Izuku spoke up all of a sudden.

Izuku: By the way... not wanna be rude but Kacchan you know how I was in that school, UA based on my uniform, right?

I nodded and gave him my attention.

Izuku: I got in gen ed and specialized in information gathering since I am quite fast to pick up on stuff... may I suggest look over her pockets? You never know. Why else would someone be there if your family is so high and mighty as well as your rules and so on. Might as well be the fact that she got money from someone to do this.

I nodded and looked at the woman in the cage. I nodded at Hazashi who smiled and wheeled the woman away.

Me: Don't worry, Hizashi's the best in sound torture.

Izuku looked up at me from the table and got off before getting behind me.

Izuku: Can I get on your PC, real quick?

Me: Only if you do something for me while you're on there.

Izuku: You do know this is only to show you something which is good for you but if you don't want to your loss.

I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair and motioned to my PC. Izuku looked around and tilted his head.

Me: Sorry, we don't have any other chairs. Be free to do what you want.

Izuku: I just need a sec so no need for a chair.

I smirked and sent everyone else away, Denki was sent to get the clothes I never got since these board people can't get off my dick. After everyone left, I turned to Izuku and raised an eyebrow.

Me: So, what's up?

Izuku: I hacked into your computer earlier soo I know a bit about this world. Sorry for this but I discovered this right before that maid came in. Have a look this might be important as to why she got inside your room.

Me: My family history? Izuku, it's just people who are dead...

Izuku: Not so dead is he now? This is the footage of 3 days ago.

Me: Wait, who is that exactly? I never really liked learning about my family history... I hate those old geezers.

Izuku: The brother of your mother and his son. Both should have died 4 years ago but here they are paying this maid.

Me: ... Oh gods. I can't catch a break can I? Thanks for telling me Izuku. Can you do me a favour?

Izuku: Nope, from what I've seen not. Depends on the favor.

Me: Can you increase my security for me? I don't trust my staff at this moment... Especially Dunce face.

Izuku: Sure can but make sure people know about me before I end up killing one one day.

I chuckled and got up.

Me: You can sit there, I'm going over to that couch over there to do some paper work. Denki should be back soon.

Izuku sat down and looked up at the chair.

Izuku: You are really tall for a cat.

Me: You're just small.

Izuku seemed offended and stuck his tongue out at me, I laughed and opened the door as a knock sounded.

Denki: I got the soup from your room and threw it out, this is a new bowl and her's the clothes.

I thanked him and sent him off to do his work. I locked the door for extra measure and brought the things over to Izuku who watched me with cautious eyes.

Me: You need to eat, and when you're finished, that door leads to a bathroom where you can shower and change as well.

Izuku: Why did you lock the door? It's not as if I have another place to run off anyways. This is the safest place for me for now.

I blushed and turned away.

Me: Dunce face will get distracted again and he needs to finish his work. He'll come inhere and get distracted. Now eat and get changed, those clothes are dirty.

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