Scary but HOT AF!

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Bakugo's POV:

I finished pulling on some sweats and walked after Izuku, the look on his face was... hot. I mean I always knew Izuku was attractive but he looked hot, in black.

Me: Izuku, where are we going? And who are you goignt to see?

Izuku watched back and gave me a sinister smile.

Izuku: Oh just removing that other organization from the face of earth. You know that other one who dared to mess with us through that maid?

I resisted the urge to hug him and nodded, he's so cute and small. I was so inthought I barely heard what he had said.

Me: So you found out who it was? Tell me.

Izuku: I did but why should I tell you when you gonna see where we are heading in a minute anyways.

I stopped and stomped my foot slightly, my tail swinging from side to side aggressively.

Me: But I'm impatient! Izukuuu!

He stopped and looked back at me like i was a child, which I can admit to acting like one.

Izuku: Well Kacchan, there is no cure for that but this.

He moved closer and motioned for me to bend down, thinking he was going to whisper something into my ear, I did and he kissed my cheek...

He kissed my cheek?

He did... I felt my face heat up. I straightened myelf and looked down at him. The smile Izuku gave me was soft but had a cocky aura.

Izuku: Now let's go!

I silently followed him, ignoring the way my tail lazily swayed behind me.

That was so random

Why'd he do that?

I continued asking myself that question till we got to the training room. There were some people with guns pointing at some of the security staff, cleaning staff as well as some random people I remember seeing around whenever I was out in the street.

Me: Izuku? You want to enlighten me?

Izuku: These are the Minetas. They have a bit of a grudge since your other fiance was also a huge crush the young heir had. Even though your engagement was broken off they still have the grudge that the Bakugo's dared to go against someone they laid their eyes on first. Something like that. Sooo here we are to make them regret the decision to mess with you.

I looked at Izuku and the gun he was holding out for me. There was a dark look in his eyes, I took the gun and pointed it at the person in front of me.

Me: Who is she?

Izuku looked to the woman and handed me a piece of paper.

Izuku: Here all you need to know. I used the week to do my own digging since I had free reigns and so on.

Me: So, you're the second in line? Behind your brother... Says you were rejected since I was engaged to me ex fiance... you were in charge of this operation. Sad that Izuku stopped you...

I watched Izuku from the corner of my eye and smiled softly, he gave me one back and I pulled the trigger on the gun. The bang made some jump, others screamed and cried.

Me: Kill them all, and send her head in a box. Let them know that my men will be coming after them. It's time they get disbanded, they already crossed the line with the trafficking but this is where I stop the line crossing.

I handed the gun to Izuku and walked away, the sounds of screaming and pleas lost as I let my mind wander. I heard rapid footsteps behind me then a weight on my back.


I let him wrap his legs around my waist and held him up. He laid his head on my shoulder and stared at me.

Me: What? You're staring.

Izuku: Well... you are quite ignorant not to hear that gun shot... glad you are fine tho.... Did you always smell this good?

I looked at him and smirked. His face heated up as he noticed what he just said.

Me: I don't know, were you always this cute when you're not being a gremlin?

Izuku: Maybe. Can we get back now? I definitely need some treatment and you too since you have some scratches.

Me: To my room or to the office?

Izuku: Can you remove a bullet?

I nodded and then I stopped and took him off my back. Looking him up and down I noticed the way he breathing heavily.

Me: Izuku...

Izuku: SHUT UP! Just let us get back and never run amok like that without watching your back at all. Do you even know how worried it made me?!

He went to stomp off but he winced, I picked him up princess style. He tried to make me put him down but I held him close and walked back to my room.

Me: Sorry Zuku.

Izuku: *sigh* Just get it out. It really hurts and let me cuddle you as a cat.

I huffed and opened my door. Placing him on my chair, I got my first aid kit and motioned for him to take off his shirt.

Me: Human Katsuki needs them too y'know. You're being evil.

I watched him bite his lip and then he laughed.

Izuku: Shit... this fucking hurts... may I say... screw you Kacchan for being reckless.

I chuckled and carefully placed in the tool, I never knew the name of. Izuku winced and nearly jumped away, but I held him in place.

Izuku: FUCK!

Me: Language... And I had to take away something from you right? Your recklessness is a disease.

Izuku: Be happy I caught the bullet for you and shut up.

Me: I have a tough hide Izuku, it wouldn't have hurt that much.

Izuku: That's what you say but you don't know that this not the normal bullet. You think I never got shot before as well? Just look at my scars! I have quite the high pain tolerance but something is wrong with this one. I can tell that much. Now get it out already!

I pulled out the bullet and pressed gauze on the wound, he screamed and squeezed my hand.

Izuku: What the hell is that green thing laced on it?!

I looked close and sniffed it before gagging.

Izku: Great idea?! How about licking it as well?!!

Me: A heat inducer...

Izuku: No wonder that shit hurt more.

Me: Good thing it's not harmful to humans.

Izuku: Let me guess... deadly for you huh.

Me: Nope, it'll just throw me into rut. Bad thing by the way.

Izuku: Into what?! Do I need to know?

I carefully but hastily finished wrapping his wound and moved away, grabbing some clothes and handing them to him.

Me: It's nothing you have to worry about... It's awkward.

When cat rules the world....Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ