Different lives..

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Bakugou POV

I finally got back from my hag and old man, she tried to convince me to go and deal with it by myself but I told her I am not going to solve her problems because if she didn't promise my hand in marriage this wouldn't have happened.

Old hag always pinning work on me

I always have to put off doing shit for myself to service her.

Like that time when I was 5

I could have spent the day with uncle but no.

She needed me to go with her to the Todorokis to try and butter up to their youngest.

I entered my room and saw Izuku sleeping, I sighed and ruffled his hair before going to take a hot shower, I needed it after all the day I had. I think Izuku's mad at me...

My time with Izuku was nice though,

Despite not being a human I felt... listened to.

The one-sided conversations were a blast.

When I exited the bathroom, Izuku was awake and handed me the curry I never got to eat, it was hot and looked fresh. I took it from him and sat in the chair in the corner of my room.

Me: Thanks. Sorry if I woke you up.

Izuku: It's fine. Eat up. I made Denki tell the chef to get you something new.

I nodded and looked down into the curry, I felt Izuku's eyes boring into my head and saw him staring at me.

Me: What? Is something wrong?

Izuku: No. I just don't get why you would throw everything away and excuse me for being blunt here.

I gave a half smile and exhaled a laugh.

Me: I never got the chance to be like everyone else, I know I'm extremely lucky... But I enjoyed the short time I got to spend with you, more than I did my whole entire life here.

Izuku: I know that but can't you see yourself smiling while being with Denki or the rest. I am not as long here but I can see that you are still happy to be here.

Me: Yeah but I don't spend much time with them, Denki actively looks for me because I'm always tired. From business, gang wars, turf wars, planning and people hounding me to get married, I don't get the time to get close to people.

Izuku: Then was my life better? I brought you with me around and you saw how people treated me. I was free tho but you saw how everyone was. And it was not only me.

I nodded and placed down my empty bowl. I stared into his eyes and leaned forward.

Me: I know your life wasn't favorable to you. But I just...*sigh* I don't know. I just need a break, not a weekend, just a break.

Izuku: Then let me take over and take a rest.

I was taken back, Izuku take over my work? I wouldn't mind that but would he be able to do it? The blood, the screams.

Me: You do know you will be alone all day, Denki is working for my mom for the next week...

Izuku: So what? I am used to it by now and you need a break to think about everything. Just leave everything to me Kacchan. Trust me on this one.

I thought about it, before picking up my phone and dialing a number.

Me: Hey big tits. Yeah I need all the black clothes you have. No I am not going to ever call you by your name... What ever, tell ears that if I have time I'll help her with her song.

I ignored the look of scandal from Izuku. Momo sighed and told me a maid will bring up the boxes in a few minutes. When I hung up, Izuku was next to me and saw who I was talking to. He snickered and pointed to what I have her saved as in my phone.

Izuku: What weird names... did you come up with them and why?

Me: Yeah I named her that, it's the first thing people see about her when they meet her. I like the weird names, it confuses them... But I still can't consider them friends...

Izuku tilted his head and I can see him trying to understand what I meant.

Me: As the heir to the 'business' people try to stay on my good graces. I mean I can shout for no reason and they actually panic... they're scared of me...

Izuku: I see. Anyways what you say for the next week. You never answered me but picked up the phone.

I picked him up and threw him on the bed. He protested and threw a pillow at me.

Me: well if you are going to be incharge, you have to look the part. No one is going to listen to you if you look like a bowl of fruit.

Izuku: Excuse me?! What's wrong with having hero merch on?

Me: Nothing but blood can't be seen that much on black. And believe me you will be covered in a lot of blood.

Izuku: Fine fine but can I at least wear my scarf even if it is not black? ... Then why not go with red and black?

Me: Sure, red.... I guess we can let you wear red...

Izuku: Introduce me to your dresser. I have something in mind. Trust me you will like this.

I squinted at him and sighed, throwing my phone at him, he grinned and started typing. My mind wandered bu=efore he spoke up and handed me my phone back.

Izuku: Thanks and you will not regret this.

Me: Izuku, you remember that one movie we watched with the villain who had the pet cat?

Izuku: Yup what's with it?

I always hated some of the board and as a child I used to love fucking with them, what better way to do that than...

Me: What if I stayed in cat form? I mean it has been a while and I'm tired of walking...

Izuku: Sure, be my cat and just relax buuuuut!

Me: Oh? What?

Izuku: You gonna wear that collar I got you when you were my little adorable Kacchan.

I blushed and looked away from him, he snickered and hugged me, looking at me with his puppy dog eyes.

Me: Fine! But I have a condition as well.

Izuku: Which one?

Me: Momo said the collar for you was ready and she's bringing it over. You have to wear it the whole time except when we're in here.

Izuku: Cool and I get what you want. I will wear it with pride.

I blushed but urned away from him once more

Stupid nerd, making me blush and shit.

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