I lost it....

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Izuku's POV:


I lost it...

This has to be some kind of illusion.

Fuck an illusion!

I probably drowned and am now in a goddamn hospital and this is all something my mind came up!


I am screwed!

I saw the small cat collar I once made and I looked at this cat man that also had a tail wagging like a dog. I knew cats were not really like this but I could see it twitching of happiness and he definitely looked at me as if he was expecting me to believe it. Whelp if I was in a coma and this was all a dream anyways there was no harm in actually playing along. Of course I didn't believe that he was my cat only because he had the collar. He could also be the previous owner of Kacchan and just has his collar because he was the real own. What do I know!

Me: Sooo where exactly am I again... like you said mansion but where?

???: You don't believe me do you?

Me: Would you believe it if you were in my place?

???: No, ok. How can I prove to you that I'm your cat?

Me: How about you tell me how many notebooks I have. They are all used to be in my room and look the same. No one ever knew how many there were except me and my little cute cat was there with me the whole time.

???: Well, that's a trick question, you have different notebooks for different topics.

Me: Just every one which looks the same would be enough.

???: Well, the last time I was there, you had 15 notebooks for the hero analysis for the future. But when I left, you were starting a 16th one.


I was truly speechless looking at him as a human being which then made me think one thing. I had a shifter as a pet and was actually holding a human being against their will at my home as a pet which was actually illegal and would get me in soo much trouble.

Me: Oh my... I am so sorry! I didn't know you have a mutant quirk! If I knew I wouldn't have kept you as a pet for months!

Kacchan: No no no, it's not a quirk. I was born like this, so were the other people in my world...

I couldn't help it but notice how he said my world that made me look at him puzzled and even if I tried not to overthink things, something about it made me on edge.

Me: What do you mean... my world.....?

Kacchan: Well, there are two worlds, yours, where humans keep cats as pets and mine, where humans are kept as pets...

Me: .... Ahm... what will happen to me here then?

Was I calm?


Not one bit.

I might look like it because I worked my ass off in soo many different jobs that I kinda got used to shit but I was internally panicking the crap out. There was no way I was just sent teleported to another world while I was just chasing a cat which had something from my mother.

Kacchan: Oh, I'm sorry for dunce face by the way. Your scarf is on the table-

Me: Wait! HOLD UP! That cat I chased... you know that cat?

Kacchan(dejected): Sadly... he's my.... Best... friend...

Me: Did you plan this out?

Kacchan: No! I just mentioned you and the next thing I knew he's calling me saying he needs my help. I can't even let him out of my sight for 30 minutes.

There was one skill in life which was important and that was to notice whenever a person was obviously truly honest. In this case I could tell it by how his ears flopped and his tail also stopped moving. His whole body language told me that he was sorry and all but there was this one problem and since I didn't really listen to what he said... I had to kinda ask again.

Me: Where is the scarf?

Kacchan: It's on the bedside table where you literally just picked up the collar.

Me: Thank god....

I put the collar back down and took the scarf and put it back around my neck. There was no way I would let anyone take it from me again. Even I knew how to fight ever since going to UA and that meant that you shouldn't underestimate me at all only because I was quirkless.

Kacchan: I know I may not have the right to ask since I haven't gotten to talk to you... but... How is miss Inko?

Me: She died.

Kacchan(obviously sad!): Oh... I'm sorry. She was one of my favorite humans.

Me: It's not your fault so it's fine. It was inevitable anyways.

Kacchan: But did you have anyone with you? I was forced to come back here while you were dealing with your mom's...

Now here was the thing. I knew I sounded cold and everything but I didn't had time to mourn over my mother for long or I would have been the next one dead. If I didn't put my life first back then, then I wouldn't have survived as well especially since I was the only one who was earning some money and had to pay for rent, food, electricity and every other bill. It was just hard and my mother was sick for a very long time hiding it from me as well. I kept thinking that maybe this was for the best and that she is now in a better place. It was the only thing that was keeping me going.

Me: Who should I have with me? You should know how my life used to be back then and after you left everything got worse as well... anyways how are you now that we can actually talk to each other. You don't have a single clue how many times I kept looking for you and hoping that you are still alive somewhere.

Kacchan: Oh... I- I know... I'm not doing too good if I'm honest...

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