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Izuku's POV:

I accepted the soup since I forgot to eat the whole day. This day was just weird. I woke up late, ran to my work place for the work experience weeks and then got scolded for being slow where they put a huge ass amount of work on me and lastly I got dragged into another world and find out that humans are pets and well fuck my life at this point.

Cursing was not really me but this day was just calling out to me to curse it to the netherland and back. I mean what was wrong with this day?

Anyways I accepted the soup looking at Kacchan who definitely thought I wouldn't accept it and started eating it while also hacking and fixing his security up. I not only did patch up the loop holes but also set up some weapons he already had in the system a bit more efficient then they were till now.


Now all I have to do was double check and then get someone to try it out...

One glance over to Kacchan, and I looked back at the screen lost in my thoughts.

I can't use Kacchan to test it out.

Would he be mad if I would use his minions?

I mean he asked me to do this, right?

Who would I use... Oh this one!

From what I could read they don't have quirks but this cat was faster than the others.

Alright let's send a notification to Iida here and let him run through a corridor of doom.

Me: Pfff

Kacchan: I feel like you just did something I would be proud of.

Me: Wanna watch your staff actually test out the new system with me?

Kacchan: You had me at staff. Let's do this.

I looked up at Kacchan who came over to me and then let this guy to hover over my shoulder. I could feel his breath shortly and then his fluffy ears around my head. They were soo soft.



But I wanna pet them soo hard!



Kacchan: You can touch them if you want.

Me: Was I that obvious?

Kacchan(smugly): No, you were muttering, I see you never stopped.

Me: Dang it not again....

Kacchan: It's not that bad, I always thought it was cute.*smiles*

Me: Anyways... ama pet them later on... look at this before it is over.

I decided to put back the focus on the screen where I had this one cat person with blue fur and hair go the the hallway where I made the system identify him as intruder. From there on out, all the guns started booting and you could see red dots on his skin and forehead.

Kacchan: Oh I never liked that guy. Do it.

Me: Really? Alright.

I gave the system the go and bypassed the security which was basically another backup loop trying to check if there was an error in the system which it would have said so but since I was doing a manual imput and overwriting the system there was really nothing to worry about my security measurements.

Anyways it was just seconds after I typed the command in that the weapons started shooting and this cat started dodging them but the thing was, I set up the guns to safety measurements and not kill. That meant it would hurt and if I say hurt, I mean HURT like hell.

Kacchan(cackling): Motherfucker! That's what you get for saying that I was gonna stay single for life!

Me: He is not that bad tho with this agility. Oh wait what did you say earlier?

Kacchan: I don't care if he doesn't get hurt. He thinks he's better than me because he's been engaged for years and I'm not.... Oh and nothing, I didn't say anything.

Me: Huh... is being engaged that huge of a deal? I mean I know the basics of the world since I hacked but still doesn't look that much like a must.

Kacchan: For a family with one heir such as myself yeah but we can adopt, his family is a long serving one but for some reason he's obsessed with the old ways.

Me: Ohh good to know.

I decided to run the protocols after the first stage of weapons were done and the second one were lasers which would block of the path and even for a cat like him it was game over at this point. He actually had to freeze in place since there was no way to move around and these laser started to position themselves around him since I decided to build in a learning AI behind it. It was very young AI and still learning but it managed to boot up the basic pattern and adjust it the longer he was standing there in place.

Kacchan: Did I ever tell you tht you are the only human I am voluntarily around? Because you are awesome!

Me: Nope. You never told me anything about which people you hang out with. I only know you as a cat before today anyways.

Kacchan: Stop rubbing it in.

Me: Sorry, I am just done with the day and tired. Can you really blame. me?

After I said that I stopped the security measurement and the guy fell to the ground. I reset everything back to place and stood up from the chair as well facing Bakugo now completely.

Kacchan: No I can't. And you're right, you should get some sleep.

Me: yeah so how about unlocking the door and you haven't showed me to the room, I would stay in, yet as well.

Kacchan: Ummm, the whole mansion is filled... Everyone who has a human has to keep them in their room with them... Please don't kill me...

Me: I won't as long as I get the bed.

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