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Izuku's POV:

After Kacchan treated my wound, I went to the bed without even caring to actually change into something more comfortable. I was still shirtless but I didn't care as I simply grabbed Kacchan and flopped to the bed. I was dead tired. The whole fight over, I had to keep Kacchan safe as his stupid ass started running everywhere. This is why I got the bullet for him and he was a bad liar. I knew that this liquid was more than just a healing inducer. However I didn't care much about it since I also knew that my body could handle it. If it meant my sensors as well as my pain comprehension to be higher than normally then so be it. No biggy at all. It just meant the next couple of days or weeks will be hell.

Well that was something I thought while laid there but apparently just a sniff off that thing which apparently was also something else for cat had definitely some reaction to Kacchan. He didn't wanted to tell me this and I didn't think it would have any until he pinned me down on the bed like an hour later after just nearly falling completely asleep.

Me: Kacchan?! The heck you doing now?!

Kacchan: You smell nice.

Me: Sure then shut up lay beside me and enjoy it but why pin me?

I asked that but he came closer to my neck and sniffed a bit more before I felt the sharp pain of his fangs piercing my skin right at my neck. It hurt like hell and I sharply inhaled but Kacchan didn't stop he bit down hard and then let go licking my blood and then my ear.

Me: Kacchan get off me!

Kacchan: Oh fuck! Sorry.

Me: Why did you even bite me?!

It was definitely a mark he left on my skin but thanks to that weird thing it hurt a lot more than it should but did Kacchan really go down? No. He apologized but then sniffed again and started licking it a bit more.


As if he was in a sense of trance he started slowly to kiss me on the neck then on my chest and work his way down. I had a sense of what he was about to do but I was definitely not about to play along with him while he was not in his right mind. However was there really something I could do?

He was a lot stronger than me and he was pinning an injured person down. His tail was swaying back and forth in anticipation and in the end I gave up and let him do what he wanted to do and that als included flipping me and torturing me with pleasure the whole night till I couldn't handle it and blacked out off exhaustion.

When I woke up however I felt a bit of fur in my face and grabbed it without thinking hugging it close. It was then that I also felt this little animal slowly move and lick my neck.

Me: Mhhh~ Stop it. It still stings.

Was I up?

Not really but he definitely woke me up. I could see that he was sorry about it and that he was trying to make it up by being a cat but my whole body was aching because of yesterday and so I let him jump off the bed and climb right next to me as a human after that.

Me: You have some explaining to do....

Kacchan: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.

Me: For what the bite or you mean the later part of the night?

Kacchan(blushing): Both.

Me: *sigh* Look... I enjoyed it as well but never be that rough with me ever again or I swear your nine lives won't get you anywhere.

Kacchan: Again?

Me: You seemed to more than enjoy it. Going over and over again.

Kacchan: Rut is a bitch...

Me: Want to tell me you hated it? Kacchan you are a bad lair. Look at your tail.

Kacchan: I won't say anything, but I'll answer any questions you have.

Me: Any consequences for me after that night? Like anything I have to know?

Kacchan: Not that I know of... except... theyre's THAT.

Me: Except what?! Kacchan tell me while I am being nice or ama take the fucking pistol and chock it down your throat.

Kacchan: Ok ok ok, there is a chance that I may have... no but that can't happen, you're a dude.

Me: Kacchan, I don't understand you at all and you know I have zero clue about this world.. I mean I know a lot but still....

Kacchan: Well I was gonna suggest you might be pregnant but you're a male.

Me: Is that even possible?!

Kacchan: Not you tho...

Me: You look sus... are you sure about that?

Kaccan: What I''m saying is you're not the one who would get pregnant in this situation.

There is no way right?!


I mean I traveled to another world...

He is a cat... another species and all...

Who knows maybe they are special.

God I hope not!

How would that even work?!


I don't wanna even think about ti.

Me: .... Ahm... I... how... what?! So you wanna tell me... you could based on yesterday how you threw yourself at me?!

Kacchan: If the positions were reversed yeah.

Me: .....

Oh fuck....

It was as well....

He went for every position....

How do I tell him that tho?!

Wait he should remember tho!



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