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Bakugo's POV

Izuku: Huh... what's up Kacchan? You know you can talk to me right?

I didn't want to tell him, but I do know that. When I lived with Izuku, I used to transform back for a short while and just talk to him, giving him my opinions and I spent a short while admiring his sleeping beauty.

Me: Well, it's mainly the reason why I had to leave you.

Izuku: Let me guess... Family?

Me: Kind of, in this world. My family is in charge and as the only heir... I have to take over... My mom forced me to come back and I couldn't leave no matter how much I wanted to...

Izuku: Why does this sound like a mafia ring?

I looked away from him and pointed to the wall. On it was my family's emblem with the thirty rules of the family.

Izuku's eyes widened as he read the last one.

No Bakugou shall let themselves become a pet, lest they be killed.

Izuku: Did I really guess right?

Me: Yeah and the last one is very important not to disobey...

I saw him reread it and he paled.

Izuku: The heck... Question... what will happen to me now? I am a human after all and your family and rules and so on....I can't believe I am considered to be a pet now.... Fuck my life seriously!

I got up and started pacing.

Me: well, since I'm the only heir, they can't kill me... And umm, you cant be killed either, that will be considered treason...

Izuku: Yeah not you but me.... And why do you think it is treason? I am after all just a damn pet.

Me: Not think, know... and you're not a pet.

Izuku: Kacchan be honest! You are not telling me something or this doesn't make any sense.

I exhaled and looked away from him. This is going to be so awkward...

Izuku: Kacchan... If you don't wanna tell me... believe me. I will find out. While you were gone, I specialized to be an info broker and I am good at it as well.

Me: Ok ok ok! I'll talk.

Izuku: Thanks for the easy way.

Me: Umm. In our culture... If a collar is given to us... It's seen as a sign of... Agh! I can't say it!!

Denki: Hey Katsuki, I got the soup for your mate- Oh he's awake.

This dumbass!!

Izuku: Yes I am and question for you that collar what does it mean?

Denki: Oh bro! Sorry about the scarf and that collar for us shows that you are interested in courting. Unless the collar is chosen by the cat themself it is seen as a sign of courting.

Izuku: Ohhh.... Damn.... Ahm Kacchan did I actually prevent you from getting a girlfriend because of that?

Denki: Katsuki? Nah, he's as gay as gays come. And I'm pretty sure he like y-

I covered his mouth and shoved a sock in it. He turned away and tried to get it out.

Me: Yeah, no. You didn't do anything.

Izuku: .....

Me: What?

He cleared his throat and brought his knees up to his chest.

Izuku: ahm.... Sheesh I wanna hide right now soo badly.....

Me: Sorry about dunce face, he doesn't know anything, hardly ever does and he loves to jump to conclusions the minute I tell him something.

Izuku: I think I get that since I just used the clueless guy out after all... anyways I am sorry. I shouldn't have given you that collar. I didn't know that you are actually from another world and what it meant for you. I just didn't wanted to loose my little cute and sweets stubbornness Kacchan.

Me: I already said it's fine, you didn't know and if it makes you feel better. You actually saved me by doing that... You saved my family fortune and now I don't have to get married unless I decide to.

Izuku: How does a collar do that?

Me: Well, since you gave me a collar, You're seen as my... fiance... sorry about that by the way. Before I met you, I was betrothed to some pompous asshole and when I got back he went all ballistic and now I don't have to marry him anymore.

Izuku: I am not like you tho. I mean technically speaking I should be considered a pet here as you told me earlier. How is that possible?

Me: But you weren't born here... so technically, you aren't apart of the hierarchy.

Izuku: Jesus Christ this is complicated. Can I get some time to sort things out?

Me: Yeah, I have to get this idiot to his station before he gets more overtime and I have to get you some clothes. The portal's closed by now.

Izuku nodded and I picked up Denki who finally got the sock out and was breathing heavily.

Denki: You are a sadist! You know I have a short breath.

Me: well it wouldn't have happened if you DIDN'T GO INTO THE HUMAN WORLD. WOULD IT?!

His ears drooped and he teared up. I hugged him and patted his back.

Izuku: *sigh* Hey Kacchan, don't go to hard on him. I could at least see you again so it's something positive, right?

I blushed and looked at Izuku. I nodded and then turned my attention to Denki. He had an evil smile on his face.

Me: Yeah you're right Izuku... it is... And you.

Denki looked at me with a shaky smile.

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