Praying for Tom and Jerry

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                Chapter 21
There's always a dark side to every story. The side that ruins your dreams and fantasy. It's the side that holds the scars, and time of life, and that side has just started showing it's self.
So while in this lovely new place I now and forever call home, or you may call a closet, either way. I've been thinking, and I realized 5 things.

1. Hunter is a killer, and of course the cold dead body at he's feet proved it of course. The body was so still, cold, bloody...and well...dead. Absolutely dead.

2. I'm probably he's next victim. I mean come on I did annoy him, embarrassed him in front of the whole school, trashed he's room, read he's personal journal, invaded he's privacy, and intrude he's home. I mean who wouldn't kill me?!?! Also now I get why he was acting all wierd and shit today, he was planning on killing me!

3. I'm going to die soon. Worst part? I still haven't met Santa Claus I mean that guy owes A LOT! I just want to beat his fat ass before dying. Is that to hard to ask for. Oh and Willy Wonker...but that's another story.

4. I'm starving, I've been in this closet for how long? Probably a day and a half or so. I've survived off of the junk food in my book bag, and the closet is in the bathroom. So I'm good. At least for now. Like come on couldn't I have found out Hunter was a killer after thanksgiving. I would've been set for at least 3 days! Ugh why is he so selfish!

5. I need to find a way to South America before Hunter decides my time is up.

"SAPPHIRE OPEN UP THE GOD DANM DOOR!" says Satan himself. Like I would do such a stupid thing, he'll just kill me. I ignore him and stay quite. "SAPPHIRE OPEN THE BATHROOM DOOR NOW, I BROKE DOWN THE BEDROOM DOOR AND I'LL BREAK DOWN THIS ONE AS WELL!" Satan yells louder.

Well I lived a good life. I should start praying. I got out of my panicking pose, and got on my knees.

"Dear god thank you for the life I've had so far, even though you planning on letting a psychopath kill me. Please forgive me for all my sins. Like the poor couple at the mall I beated up with a bat when I was little. I now realize that wasn't their fault god. They didn't know I wanted the candy barrel that they was that stupid cashiers fault that little two face butt face knew I wanted the barrel I mean I told her that every day for a whole 4 month. But nooooooooo she sold it anyway.

Oh and please forgive me for pushing my brother out my bed room window, and setting my friends in fire, and for killing Carter's imaginary girlfriend Anna when I was 5 by running her over. Please find it in your heart to forgive me.

I mean if your planning an sending someone to hell it should be the guy who created Tom and Jerry. I mean he's the one who gave me all my ideas, like the pipe incident, and the piano, and the basement and the frying pan...I mean I'm just an innocent little girl who was corrupted.

But whoever the guy that created Tom and Jerry sould go o heaven also, I mean Tom and Jerry was my childhood and shall forever be. Hey! Why not send Hunter to hell instead I mean he did kill someone! But please have pity.

Oh and please bless Kayla and her poor insane self. Like if I die now who's going to help her wth her many, many, many, many problems. And all the band, and YouTuber obsession! I mean it's a never ending full time job. It's horrible.

Also please get Jade the Anger management classes she surely needs. And bless Chase's heart, and soul for sharing he's grill cheese sandwich with me in preschool. Kyle also he shared he's cupcake with me.

And I hope Tony burns in hell for teasing me about having a crush on Barney in 6th Grade. And may Jillian now and forever give Carter hell in my palce as he's new little sister. He's not getting away that easy. In the name of Jesus Chris Amen!"

With that I got up off my knees. Before I could come up with a way to escape from Hunters wrath. I hear the bathroom door being busted down. Then the closet door is pull open revealing a furious Hunter. I take a step back.

"Hey Hunter. Why don't you look handsome today." I compliment him trying to expanded my death sentence. He growls at me a little and steps forward with a clench fist.

"H-hey have you seen the news lately? I mean did you see the thing with not killing innocent girls makes you a b-better person. S-so why not w-we both become b-better people." I suggest while slowly walking backwards.

This time Hunter's jaw starts to twitch. "N-no okay h-how about we just take a second to think about our past together and all the good times we've had together?" I ask. He stops for a while, just stood still and something flashed in his eyes and it sparkled a little. Then it was gone and he starts glaring at me, while coming closer.

"How about we pray for a bit and look upon the bible and all the bad things it says not to do. Like don't kill." I state. He ignores my plea and walks towards me this time fater. When he reached me he pins me on the wall and gives me an icy glare.

God you know I love you right!?!?? I ask in my mind. "How much did you see?" Hunter asks coldly, and with that I was out. Good night everybody! Sapphire Wilson has fainted from absolutely fear like the wimp she is.

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