Traumatized superhero

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Everlasting, incessant pain.

[Redacted] looked out the window. She couldn't bear the sight of the city. Destroyed by her own hands. It gave her body pain. 

"[Redacted]." Her confidant. The only one who knew her secret identity. But she couldn't trust him. She couldn't. Trust was too fragile to give. Trust was something she gave up a long time ago..

The boy looked at her, and smiled. "I'll help you."

She smiles. "Thanks." The boy leads her into the upper room of the museum. She smiles at him as she looks at the treasure on display...

Suddenly, police surround her, overwhelm her. She looks at the boy, who has a phone. He was a traitor. He gave her up.

The boy just looks like he's trying to look sorry. "I'm sorry, [redacted]! I-I had to." Yet his eyes look gleeful. 

She looks angry. "You didn't have to. You chose to. I...I HATE YOU." She swears she would never ever...

Present day [redacted] snaps out of her reverie. "Why would I trust you?" she snapped. 

"You always have," he shrugged.

"Trust isn't something I give freely," she said in a voice that wasn't her own. Well, it was, but it felt...wrong.

He looks at her with a concerned look. "Are you okay?"

She grabs the knife from her pocket.


WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEEEEEEEEEEEE (*in the tune of how far i'll go*)

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