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A/N: I had a dream about my Lore character and this is what happened...WHY ARE MY DREAMS SO VIVID 

Hopefully, if nothing comes up to mess my schedule, my stories will me updated by Saturday! I'm back and I'm so happy


Jack entered through the doors of Caspian's simple home. "Hey Casp? I'm playing hide-and-seek with Taiya and-"

"You're what?" Caspian asked, entering the room.

Jack froze at the sight of him. He didn't look okay. His eyes were blood red, and his skin was stained with dark black patches of fur. Not normal for a human. "Caspian- are you okay?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah! I feel great!" He smiled in a way that sent shivers down Jack's spine. "What did you say you were doing with Taisiya?"

"Umm, never mind." Jack quickly reached for the door. It was locked. Her heart went into her stomach. "Don't. You. Dare."

Caspian froze for a second. Then he snarled in the most unhuman like way. He was possessed, again.

"CASPIAN SNAP OUT OF IT!" Jack screeched, trying to open the door. It wouldn't budge.

Caspian sneered, and spoke in a deep distorted voice. "What do you think you're doing, Jacqueline?"

"I'M NOT-" Jack stopped. She realized that she wasn't talking to Caspian, Colleen's brother, and a pretty decent engineer. She was talking to the monster that was possessing him. She changed her tactic.  "I'M NEVER GOING TO HELP YOU, NEVER AGAIN!"

"Are you sure about that?"

Jack looked straight at the monster's eyes. "Don't you dare touch me."

In response the monster-who-was-Caspian grabbed her arm. Jack screamed, and the swirl of colors overwhelmed her head again. Her mind felt like it was melting, and it almost felt like she was losing her consciousness. 

Suddenly her mind returned to normal. She looked at her surroundings. She was in the middle of a human city, tall buildings, skyscrapers, and moving machines surrounded her. She immediately covered her wings with her red cape, which was no longer red, but gray. She loved how her cape adjusted to wherever she went. She sighed, but couldn't help but smile.

What better way to avoid your problems than jumping to another universe?

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