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Some story I wrote when I was 9 years old:

Trey and his friends were sitting in the backseat of the school minivan waiting for the driver of the minivan to come and fetch them. As there was a bday party at school, they had pizza with them, his friends happily ate but Trey hated Hawaiian pizza so he backed away to the bags when he tripped over a mysterious box. It was sealed shut with thick taping and had no label. Trey asked his friends where did it come from but his friends denied owning the box. Investigating the box closely, they used their scissors to open the heavy tape. Finally able to look inside, trey and his friends saw what was inside: MONEY!!! Shocked at their discovery, they decided to tell their teacher when the bus driver came and panicked when he saw them closing the door, he gave a sly smile at trey and his friends. 

The next moment, all went dark. 

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