Prelude in C Major

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A/N: I was listening to prelude in C Major by Bach and was like, "Let's procrastinate from writing my other stories and write a short story based on this cool classical piece"




She was happy, living in a simple cottage in the outskirts of her country. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming. The view was tranquil and serene with the sun high in the sky, clouds hardly forming. It was all so...beautiful.

But if she tried to remember how she got here in the first place a pang hit her heart. No– she refused to remember the struggles she experienced, the trauma. She was now in her dream house. In peace, in this calm world.

But the pain never left. The absolute terror of where she had come from. The horror of the war, the fear of death. Running away from the brink of her old home being destroyed. But she had rebuilt herself. She had tried to heal the gaps in her aching heart, from the loss of her loved ones. The sight of the great fire that had burned down her small town. Her sister called out to her to get away as fast as possible, as the townsfolk screamed for help. But help never came.

When she was little, she always dreamed of what was on the other side of the mountain that she lived nearby. But with the town destroyed, she didn't think she would have seen what was now in front of her eyes. It felt surreal. She couldn't tell if she was dreaming, but she didn't want this dream to end.

And it was in this calm place, where the sun seemed to never stop shining, was where she found her inner happiness, despite the loss and the pain. Despite everything she had gone through in the past.

She was home.

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