Insane Craft AU: Legend of the Pickle

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Once, in a land unbeknownst to humans, was a singular plant. This plant was blessed with magic by the Guardians of LORE. And from it stemmed numerous fruits and vegetables and other strange yet beautiful things. Lemons, spinach, cabbage, and blueberries alike. Packets of wasabi grew from its stems which were made of chopsticks.

These different types of magical formations which the plant produced eventually grew in number to create the foursome kind of Fruitables, Spinach, Wasabi, and Chopsticks. Each of the foursome kind had their own unique attributes and their own place in the universe.

But there was one being that had power above them all.

The pickle.

Yes, the pickle was a strange one. The pickle was arguably the most powerful being that blossomed from the blessed plant. Because it had the power to transform anything it touched into a pickle. The pickle realized its own power and started to wreck havoc across the foursome kind, sparking the First War. 

But the pickle's power was too strong for the foursome kind to handle. The Guardians of LORE had to intervene. They stripped the pickle of its powers and banished it to beyond the Milky Way and into the unknown depths of the White Void.

The First War had ended this way. But the power of the pickle was still present, still capable of tempting the most gullible soul. So the Guardians of LORE had no choice but to contain the ultimate power of the pickle hidden within different dimensions in order to conceal such a dangerous being. It would be a very difficult task to gain the power, requiring strength, speed and a fortunate stroke of luck. 

For many  years, the power of the pickle would be hidden in this impossible way. 

Until someone else came across a way to bring the power of the pickle back to fruition.


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