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When she saw him, time seemed to slow. Her heart sped up. She couldn't take her eyes off his face. He seemed... Perfect.

The hunt seemed eternal, it had been so difficult to find the right guy for her. Now she was face to face with him, she couldn't look away. His face seemed so amazingly shaped. His eyes, so full of mystery and depth. His mannerisms, messy, but just right.

Her eyes locked in with his. She had finally found him.


The first guy she was going to murder.


A/N: I hope you like this story :>

 This is me feeling bad for not uploading any stories recently, but I'm just letting you know I'm still writing.

I never realized that EtB had got 100 reads! I'm so happy and grateful for you guys reading my stories, for a small unpublished author this means so much to me, so thank you!

I'm working really hard on some new chapters for you guys, so don't expect much on the next few days, but I'm not dead(yet) I'm still working on stuff and I hope you'll like it!

Muchos gracias mis amigos!


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