Bing AI writes a story

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Me: Hey Bing, can you write me a story?

Bing: Sure, I can try to generate a story for you. Here is a short story I wrote:

The Lost Key

Anna was in a hurry. She had an important meeting at work and she couldn't afford to be late. She grabbed her coat and bag and rushed out of the door. She locked it behind her and then realized she had left her car keys inside. She panicked. She didn't have a spare key and she didn't know anyone who could help her. She tried to call her landlord, but he didn't answer. She looked around, hoping to find a taxi or a bus, but the street was empty. She felt like crying.

She decided to walk to the nearest subway station, hoping to catch a train that would take her to the city center. She checked her watch and saw that she had only 15 minutes left before the meeting started. She ran as fast as she could, dodging pedestrians and cars. She reached the station and ran down the stairs. She saw a train waiting on the platform and ran towards it. She reached the door just as it was closing. She pushed it open and jumped inside.She sighed with relief. She had made it. She looked for a seat and saw one next to a man who was reading a newspaper. She sat down and tried to catch her breath. She looked at the man and noticed he was wearing a suit and tie, just like her. He looked familiar, but she couldn't place him. He glanced at her and smiled.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi," she said.

"Are you going to the city center?" he asked.

"Yes, I have a meeting there," she said.

"Me too," he said.

"What kind of meeting?" she asked.

"A business meeting," he said.

"Me too," she said.

They looked at each other and realized they were going to the same meeting. (Me: That is- very plot-holey)They worked for the same company, but in different departments. They had never met before, but they had seen each other in the elevator or in the cafeteria.

They introduced themselves and started chatting. They found out they had a lot in common. They liked the same movies, music and books. They laughed at the same jokes. They felt a connection.

They arrived at the city center and got off the train together. They walked towards their office building, still talking and laughing. They reached the entrance and saw their boss waiting for them.

He looked angry.

"Where have you been?" he shouted.

"We're sorry, we had some trouble with our cars," they lied.

"Well, you're too late. The meeting is over. You missed it," he said.

They felt their hearts sink.

"What was the meeting about?" they asked.

"It was about a new project we're starting today. A very important project that requires a lot of teamwork and creativity," he said.

They felt their hopes rise.

"What kind of project?" they asked.

"A project that involves writing a story," he said.

They looked at each other and smiled.

Me: I'm sorry what just happened?

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