Chapter 1: Get a job, Tomathy

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Tommy hated life, and life hates Tommy too.

Tommy's life has always just been a hill, it was never a mountain like how you climb and get happier and happier until you die happy with no air at the top. No, Tommy's life has been hill after hill after hill. Tommy ran away from the orphanage when he was 7, making sure to steal and destroy all his documents and Tommy didn't even think the caretakers there noticed his absence. He was starving on the street when someone had found him, taken him and loved him that person loved him till one day he was dead on the ground, bullet straight through their head.

Tommy was on the streets once more for two years. 12 years old and was starving to death for not being able to eat a vegetable or fruit in a month and then Dream found him. Dream loved and took care of Tommy til he was 13, then Dream started to change in bad ways. Dream would start to hit Tommy for doing something bad, would take things away from him that he cared about, wouldn't let him talk to others, wouldn't let him outside, Dream wouldn't even let Tommy eat sometimes because he misbehaved.

Tommy was in a cage and Dream had burned the key. Dream had said that Tommy was now his and he could say Tommy was however years old cause no one knew he existed and Tommy knew that was true because he burned those documents himself. But Dream had finally let Tommy get a job at sixteen Tommy was shocked at what he saw Dream holding up.

"What the HELL?!" Tommy screamed, staring at the paper in complete and utter shock. The paper had big and bold letters saying that the hero tower needed an intern.

Dream! You know I'm a vigilante!" Tommy had screamed at his guardian, well more like a curse but still.

"And I know you wanted a job so here, your not being ungrateful are you Tomathy?" Dream asks a fake frown masking his face as he tilted his head at Tommy. Tommy shrunk back but still let out an annoyed hiss.

Dream knew he was a vigilante, it was one of the many things he kept above Tommy's head so Tommy doesn't run. Tommy would've ran away a long, long time ago if not. Dream just found out one night when Tommy was trying to sneak out of the window, wings out and heaving him up. Tommy could still feel the world stop, the one thing in his life that Tommy enjoyed being ripped away from him just like that but instead Dream had allowed it.

"Dream! Dream, I can explain please don't make me stop, Please!" Tommy begged as Dream walked over.

"I would NEVER Tomathy, you can go every night if you wanted to just try not to get too hurt" Dream cooed as he walked over and gave Tommy a kiss on the forehead, Tommy had to fight the urge to gag.

"you would let me?" Tommy asked through the trying-not-to-let-out-a-gag-and-disgusted-warble-at-the-same-time.

"Of course Tomathy! Why wouldn't I? Just remember to always be good so I don't take it away little birde~" Dream had cooed and then left, leaving Tommy to realize Dream was going to blackmail him with the new found information.

Tommy let out a sigh, his wings ruffling at the back of his shirt uncomfortably, Dream hummed in response walking over to Tommy and grabbing at his arm.

"Wait- Dream-!" Panic flashed through Tommy as Dream yanked on his arm, hard, hard enough that Tommy felt the bruises bound to form, Tommy let out a shaky exhale and looked his arm over. Yep Tommy thought bitterly it's starting to bruise.

"Have fun explaining that to the hero's Toms" Tommy winced and fought back a scowl as Dream walked away to apply Tommy.

Gods did Tommy hate Dream, he was forcing Tommy to apply to the hero tower for Primes sake and Tommy was a fucking vigilante! Not to mention that Tommy was an avian, which ment that Tommy had to hide his wings under more clothes so the hero's won't see. Tommy hated that idea, not only did Tommy not know how to properly preen his wings but they would be even more messed up under multiple layers of clothes. Tommy gazed at the clock on the wall and saw it point the short hand to twelve'o clock, nearly time to go. Tommy thought happily as he grabbed his vigilante outfit, which was just some red, black, and white clothes and a leather jacket with a tool belt that Bumblebee built him.

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