Chapter 18 title too long 😭🖕

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Chapter 18: Sapnap needs a date, Phil and Sam are in a custody battle, and finally some bedrock bros

"Aw, are you saying your interested in me?" The blaze hybrid practically cooes, the avian froze, face going a deep shade of red as he begins to stutter.

"I-I have a husband!" The vigilante stammers out, the total fool that is George's best friend just smiles and fucking WINKS AT THE VIGILANTE.

"Alright, that's enough you gay bitch." George says with a dead note to his voice, Sapnap says some shitty excuse about staying and George just picks the idiot up and throws him into the car.

No flirting today bitchnap.

Disk duo still being as toxic as ever! Dream being a dick, Ranboo is being a nice and weird Enderman friend. Sapnap meets and flirts with Karlity. Gogy is done with this man's shit. Sapnap meets Toms and gets attached too, he is guilty for reasons. Sam and Phil find him and fight over Toms. Sam is mad, also there goes Tommy's mask and oop- bedrock bros!

Tommy wished Dream was dead.

This wasn't the first time he's said it, or thought it, or said it to his face, and it's definitely not going to be the last. Tommy hated him with every bone in his fucking body, why did Tommy suddenly want to split that green bastards skull open? Well, the answer was easy.

"Tomathy, I think you should stop going on patrol."

And now Tommy was staring daggers at the man he once called his brother, he was just standing there, smiling like it was perfectly okay and normal to be traumatizing and blackmailing a fucking teen. Tommy didn't even know why this bastard wanted him to stop, he hadn't done anything wrong! Tommy spread his wings, instinctively widening them as he hissed at the other man in the room.

"Aw, why so aggressive?" Dream cooed, Tommy hissed and was ready to rip this man's lungs out. Why did he all of a sudden want Tommy to fucking stop? Tommy was fucking careful!

"You fucking bastard! Why am I not pissed out of my mind?! Your telling me to stop PATROLLING! For fucks sake!" Tommy hissed, all his pent up anger boiling to the surface as he wished he had any weapon to stab this fucker with. Dream just smiled and fucking laughed in Tommy's face like this was some fucked up joke he was supposed to laugh at.

"Aw, Toms." Dream cooes, like Tommy is just a kid that needs to be taught a lesson. The avian hisses as his wings ruffle with aggression. Dream only smiled at him.

"Don't go to patrol Tomathy, if you do..." He brandished the switch blade from his pocket, Tommy narrowed his eyes at the glinting metal. The amount of times that very blade as cut his skin, leaving scars that can still be seen today. Tommy hated every second of it, hated every second of his life up until Tubbo and Ranboo, and then the Sbi.

Dream only chuckled lightly at his reaction and turned to leave the room, Tommy hissed. This was the second worst day of his life. Second only to the day Dream asked to bring him home and Tommy accepting like the idiot he was. Tommy ruffled his feathers, what Dream says won't change a thing. Tommy will go on patrol, even if he gains a few new cuts from it.

Tommy quickly put on his vigilante outfit, thinking about the quickest way to stop the bleeding. He hissed at the thought of showing up to work with more cuts and bruises to count, Tubbo and Ranboo would somehow find out too. He hissed, god fucking damit. Tommy tried to lay his feathers somewhat flat, it didn't work. Tommy sighed and hopped up the window, spreading his wings out behind him.

Tommy soon shot out and into the cold night breeze, he made a mental note to make his vigilante outfit even a tad bit more warm. Maybe Tubbo actually had something going for him with all that fluff, Tommy shook his head in amusement. Tommy soon spotted two figures standing on the rooftop, one was currently trying to talk to the other.

No, your not fine (A cause for concern)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя