Chapter 3: Hey Gremlin, welcome back!

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"Tommy!" Wilbur's voice shouted as Tommy stepped out of the elevator, getting an armful of Wilbur hug too.

"Holy primes, Wilbur, was I really THAT amazing?" Tommy asked, and then promptly getting dropped onto the floor.

"Hey! You can't do that!" Tommy yelps, as he winces when his injured arm hit the floor.

"Suck it up, gremlin" Wilbur teases and get smacked in the shins.

"Ow!" He hisses, taking a step back to avoid Tommy's upcoming assult.

"Ow to what, dickhead!" Tommy remarks as he stand and flings his leg at Wilbur's shins. Making Wilbur flop onto the floor, in a very undignified pile.

"OW! Phill! Our new intern is punting me!" The burnett whines, as a head of blond hair peaks through. His face lights up at the sight of Tommy.

Tommy's first day, he punted Wilbur, somehow climbed on top of Techno(he threw Tommy off💀) and messed with Philza Minecraft. Tommy thought they didn't even notice his bruise, but Tommy's luck was shit so they noticed how odd he was acting. Philza is becoming concernedza.

Tommy now hated the Warden.

Does he even know, how hard it is to clean feathers off when their stained with fucking blood, let alone fucking wings?! Tommy was ready to commit second degree murder against a hero. It took Tommy a total of three hours to clean all the blood off, Tommy was ready to not go on patrol for the next month. But alas Tommy now had a job, and that job was the hero tower.

God Tommy was ready to go punt Wilbur. But also Tommy was getting a massive headache from his instincts, Flock flock dad dadza flock brothers nest safe nest flock, his instincts buzzed as Tommy got ready to leave. Tommy threw on a jacket some pants and a plain white t-shirt and soon he was off. Tommy ran through the streets, walking through alleyways and taking sharp turns to get to his destination.


Tommy was soon in the elevator and heading for the Sbi apartment floor, his instincts were humming with impatience to see his flock again. While Tommy just enjoyed the thought of being with them and the return of that soft, warm, fuzzy feeling. The elevator let out a 'DING' as its doors slide open. Tommy was just about to walk fully out of the elevator when someone had yelled his name.

"Tommy!" Wilbur's bitchy voice shouted out.

Tommy turned toward the noise and immediately getting an armful of Wilbur. Tommy let out a small 'oof' at being tackled into a hug. Warm flock flock safe brother safe safe nest flock Tommy's instincts started to hum as Wilbur unlatched himself from the avian.

"Wow Wilbur, was I really that amazing?" Tommy teased as Wilbur responded by dropping Tommy.

"Ow! Dickhead! You can't do that!" Tommy yelped as he falls to the ground, wincing when he falls on his injured arm.

"Suck it up, gremlin!" Wilbur replies as Tommy swipes at him, hitting his legs.

"Ow! You FUCK!" He screeches as he takes a step back, trying to get away from the assault Tommy is going to rain down on him.

"Fuck you!" Tommy yells as he kicks Wilbur's shins, causing them to buckle and oops there he goes-

"Ow! Phillllll! The gremlin his trying to punt me!" Wilbur whines as Phil's head peaks out from the wall, Tommy definitely didn't miss the way he saw Phil's whole face light up at the sight of him. And no it definitely did not make a warm, fuzzy weird gooey feeling form in his chest and anyone who tells you otherwise is a lier and a wrong'n.

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