Chapter 14: Surprise mother fucking birthday party!

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"Hey Toms?" Wilbur asked, he was walking with Tommy. For some reason he wanted to walk Tommy home, Tommy told him that he could only walk him halfway there. Wilbur had pouted but agreed.

"Yea big man?" Tommy replied, his wings ruffling behind him.

"When is your birthday?" He asked sheepishly, Tommy was taken aback. When did anyone other then Tubbo and Ranboo want to know his birthday?

The thought of the two boys made his heart ache, Tommy quickly shook the feeling off.

"Uh- actually it might be tomorrow" Tommy muttered to the brunette. Wilbur physically stopped. Tommy turned to him confused.

"ITS WHAT!?" Wilbur screamed, a shocked look in his eyes. Tommy shrugged.

Tommy didn't know what the big deal was.

Sbi find out Tommy's birthday is tomorrow, so they are frantically trying to set up a cake, decorations, and gifts. Tubs and Boo know it's Toms birthday so they leave out gifts at their meeting spot. Niki is also here (where do you think they got the cake?), and Phil and Wilbur are going on a shopping spree, while Techno makes earrings for Tommy while his family is raiding the birthday isles. There's a reason this chapter exists.


Techno whipped his head around to see his younger brother red in the face, panting like he had just ran a hundred miles....also he broke down Techno's door. Techno let out an irritated chuffing noise, Phil was sulking on his bed since Tommy had to go home. Techno was also definitely not sulking since Wilbur had gotten Tommy to let him walk home with the blond.

Techno glared at the brunette, who didn't even glance at him. Rude- but also odd, Techno thought. Phil had also turned to look at the younger man, confusion was evident in his expression and in the way his wings were ruffling. Wilbur had a sorta panicked look in his expression, Techno was worried something had happened.

"why the door man?" Was all that came out of Techno's mouth, Wilbur snapped his head over to look at Techno. Who was raising an eyebrow at him because, come on, why the door?

"Fuck your door Tech- and we have a more important problem!" Wilbur countered, Techno just let out a curious noise while Phil tilted his head to look at his son.

"what is it mate?" Phil asked, his feathers were ruffling in an odd curiosity. Wilbur stood a little straighter.

"Well, you know Tommy?" Wilbur began and instantly Techno was on edge, did something happen to the stoat? Techno felt a growl build in his chest. Phil looked as concerned as Techno.

"What about him?" Phil asked, his wings were twitching in worry now, concern was clear as day in his expression. Wilbur huffed.

"he told me that his birthday was fucking tomorrow!" Wilbur shouted, everyone in the room froze, Techno and Phil's eyes were wide with shock.

Now, any normal person would be yelling at that idiot of a person as to why he would make them think something bad had happened. Techno, Phil, and Wilbur were not normal people. Techno was thinking at a hundred miles per hour, why didn't he tell anyone? Didn't he trust them? Did he not care? No, the stoat should care! What will Techno get for him? Wait, TOMORROW?!

"What." Phil deadpanned because truly this was a 'What the actual FUCK?' Moment.

"Shut up Phil! We need to start planning!" Wilbur screamed, now usually Phil would have his head about saying that to him but this situation was special.

"We need to decorate- and then the gifts- oh! And we need presents!" Wilbur was saying, counting all the things as he raised about fingers. Techno was zoning out, his eyes flashed to the drawer in his desk. In it was an abundance amount of gold, jewels, silver, basically anything that jewelry was made of was there.

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