Chapter 21: Fluff, and also some teasing from first poster :)

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Phil is hurt, and needs to go to a meeting, Tech, Wil, and Toms are not happy about it. Phil is also not happy about it because Wil spams sleepy Toms, fluff, much fluff, some angst I guess, Tech gets hurt because hurtnoblade and 3/4 Sbi freak the fuck out. Possessive Wilbur go brrrrrr-

Tommy woke slowly.

That was odd, he almost always woke up with a start, the air filled with Dream screaming at him to hurry up. Tommy froze, Dream, he tried to sit up, but was stopped by a large wall of feathers. Tommy let out a little chirp, freezing again when he realized the feathers were black, the complete opposite of Tommy's white, Phil, oh gods Tommy had just chirped near Phil! Tommy looked around for a moment, the memories of last night flooding into his mind like, well, water. Dream, what the prick wanted, kicking him, getting mugged, Wil with a fucking crowbar, Techno-

Shut up.

Tommy sighed, the growing headache was not something he was going to enjoy, he grumbled, laying back down and shuffling towards the living heater known as Techno. He felt Techno grumble tiredly and shift closer to him, his hand finding it's way to Tommy's hair, Tommy held back a happy chirp as Techno started to card through his gold locks.

Tommy smiled, snuggling in closer to Techno, Tommy felt his entire being rumble with the delighted purr Techno gave. Tommy's wings shuffled instinctively, trying to wrap around Techno, Tommy hissed when the injuries were jostled, brushing against the sweater. Techno grunted in concern, Tommy just cuddling closer to him, Techno thankfully dropped it. Tommy muttered in irritation when he heard voices talking somewhere around him, someone cooed and gently brushed gold curls out of his face. Tommy huffed.

"You awake sunshine?" Tommy heard Wilbur's voice coo, Tommy instinctively grumbles and swats in the general direction of where the voice came from. He hears laughter like honey, Tommy huffed, sky blue eyes opening as a small pout forming on his face, Wilbur just coos more and flicks Tommy's forehead, Tommy splutters as Phil starts to wheeze next to him, Techno letting out a few amused chuffs.

"Fuck off!" Tommy hisses, his feathers puffing up defensively, he bit back a wince when some feathers caught onto his sweater, a muted pain flickering through his back, still injured, great.....

"I liked you better when you were half asleep." Wilbur huffs out, Tommy scowls at the brunette before leaping onto him, his wings flaring, but not doing anything other then catching onto the back of his sweater quite painfully. Tommy chokes down a pained warble as he plasters a mischievous grin on his face, tackling and rolling around the bed grappling with Wilbur.

"You gremlin!" Wilbur hisses out before he swats at Tommy, Tommy breaths a giggle before he swats back. He ignored the slight jolt of pain that spiked through him every now and then when he rolled, his injured wings aching as he rolls, crushing them slightly.

Suddenly Tommy feels a presence at the back of his neck, Tommy was only able to give a slight peep of surprise before he was suddenly in the air. Normally, when he was in the air he would be flying to his own accord, nope, this time he was being fucking carried. Tommy looked across from him and spotted Wilbur, who seemed exasperated as he glared at his brother, Techno, who was currently holding both of them up like children.

"Are you guys done squabbling like stoats now?" Techno's gruff voice asks, to anyone else he might've sounded cold, emotionless.

Tommy heard the mirth and warmth in it though.

"NO! Fuck you!" Tommy hissed, swatting in Techno's general direction, Techno just held the blond further, raising an eyebrow. Tommy hissed, eyes narrowing as he spit out every insult he knew, Wilbur had just crossed his arms and started pouting, like some fucking child. Tommy eventually stopped, he just glared at the hybrid, looking over at Phil while pleading for help, Phil just chuckled. Traitor.

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