Chapter 22: Neapolitan Trio being blind and a surprise.

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Tommy gets used to being at the hero tower again, it's only been a couple of days but still. There's angst but mainly fluff.

Also, ✨SURPRISE✨👹👹
Tommy was starting to think of the tower as home.

It was odd, he dreaded the idea once, but ever since he's gotten the job, the thought of going to the tower seemed more and more like an escape from Dream, a place where he could be safe from that cruel sadistic fuck. It was nice, it was nice not having to worry about where Dream was, what he was feeling, everything that was his life. Sometimes they would say something that would make Tommy act odd, but he's been able to hide what his reactions really meant.


Tommy turned, his string of thoughts being cut short by Wilbur's soft voice, it was filled with worry. Tommy smiled at him reassuringly, Wilbur smiled back at him, ruffling the blond's hair, Tommy squawked, swatting his hand away as he pouted. Wilbur chuckled lightly, brown eyes crinkling with fondness as he threw his arm over Tommy's shoulder, his face scrunched up slightly at the odd, almost itchy feeling underneath the younger boys sweater.

"You alright Wil?" Wilbur looked back at him, smiling at the blond softly, Tommy hummed, turning back to the TV and subconsciously moving towards Wilbur, leaning into the man's side with a tired hum. After a bit, Tommy realized Wilbur was uncharacteristically still, Tommy blinked, poking him in the shoulder a bit, still no response, a faraway look in his brown eyes. Tommy huffed.

"Wilbur, Wil, Wilbur, Wil, Wilbur, big man, mister Ghost, Wil, Ghostyyyy, Willllll, stop daydreaming already!" Tommy screeched, Wilbur blinked, turning back to stare at his brother, snorting when he processed everything the blond had called him. Tommy huffed, sticking his tongue out and turning away, arms crossed, Wilbur chuckles, scooting closer and nuzzling his face into Tommy's blond curls, they shone like gold in the sunlight, it was pretty obvious why Techno enjoyed running his fingers through their Tommy's hair.

"Aww, did big brother Wilbur space out for too long? I'm sorry for not giving you attention Toms." Tommy's face flushed red, he huffed, turning away from the cooing man, instead he turned towards the TV, definitely trying to ignore Wilbur, which, the brunette did not appreciate.

"Tommy stop ignoring me, Tommy, I'm sorry, Tommy, Toms, Tom Tom, Toms, Sunshine, Sundrop, Sunlightttt, Tommy, Toms, dove, Songbird—" Tommy flinched back, his mind not in the state to process that Wilbur had said Songbird, not Snowbird, Wilbur gave Tommy an odd look, concern and a different emotion swirling into his soft brown eyes, making Tommy want to shrink back under the gaze.

"Sorry, do you not like the nickname Songbird?" Tommy muttered, nodding, he didn't particularly hate the nickname, he just thought it was too close to Snowbird for his liking. Wilbur leaned against Tommy, laying his chin on top of Tommy's head, Tommy half heartedly pushing him away, huffing as he slumped back in defeat, Wilbur flashing a cheeky smile.

Tommy didn't notice how Wilbur frowned, thinking about how similar Tommy seemed to Snowbird, that's where the nickname came from after all.

"Wilbur, your not hogging him all to yourself right?" Techno's monotone voiced drawled, Tommy turned, looking over and behind the couch as he spotted a pink haired man at the doorway, slowly making his way towards them. Tommy huffed, Techno walked over and sat down next to Tommy, Wilbur hissed, tugging Tommy towards his side of the couch possessively, eyes burning a bright brown. Techno just leveled the brunette with a flat look, Wilbur sighed after a tense stare off, letting Tommy go so Techno could check on his arm.

"Wil, you know his arm is fractured, and yet you still hang onto him like a koala." Techno states, ignoring the offended squawk Wilbur lets out, sending a venomous glare at the older hybrid. Tommy just watches quietly as Techno unwraps Tommy's old bandages, looking away from the injured limb as Wilbur's eyes seemed to glow with possessiveness, Techno starting to make a loud rumble growl in his throat. They acted odd every fucking time they saw his injuries, it wasn't even that bad anymore!

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