Chapter 8: Sbi & Tommy fluff part III (and even more possessive Sbi-)

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"I can see why Wil likes you" Fundy had remarked from the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water. Puffy snorted.

"Tommy, what do you think of the others?" Puffy asks, tilting her head slightly. But before Tommy could answer Foolish cut in.

"Yea, what DO you think of them? Since it's very clear their fond of you." Foolish teases, eyeing the fact that Tommy was wearing Wilbur's PJs, stupid amounts of gold, and Phil's bucket hat.

"Uh- well-" Tommy stutters, his face heating up. God why did the Sbi have to be on patrol? This was stupid.

Tommy wakes up to a pouting Wilbur, whining Techno, and exasperated Phil. Apparently they have to go on patrol. Tommy is SUPPOSED to be doing paperwork but finished early. He then gets kidnapped (unsuccessfully) by the hero's Totem (Foolish), Captain (Puffy), and Foxhunt (Fundy).Then possessive Sbi go brrrr- they finally tell Tommy about Mumza and Tommy also messes up by telling them his actual age-
Tommy was so warm!

It wasn't the bad type of warm too, it was that safe, cozy type. Tommy thrilled, this was nice. Tommy turned, getting a face full of feathers. Right, Phil. Tommy didn't want to wake up yet, this was nice and Tommy liked it. The blanket of jet black wings shuffled, Tommy felt his own wings ruffle in response even when they were covered.

"you wanna wake up sunshine?" Phil's voice cooed, as a happy thrill left the other avians throat. Tommy smushed his face into the pillow, fending off the small rays of light.

"nu" Was all Tommy muttered, Phil let out a light chuckle and settled in quietly next to Tommy. Tommy curled up next to him, content on being next to one of his flock members.

The world went silent for a while, Tommy was content to just lay there, tucked under the older avians wing. Tommy fell into a peaceful Sleep as Phil started to do that weird chirping noise that parent avians did to their young. Why was Phil doing that with Tommy?


Tommy woke up to loud voices, whining almost. Tommy grumbled, Phil had left him alone! Tommy begrudgingly got out of the bed, flexing his wings despite them being hidden. Tommy was still tired, he didn't think he would be able to stay awake for long. Whatever, his mission right now was to see why his flock was arguing. Tommy turned the doorknob, it was freezing against his fingers.

"-ommy is still here though!" Tommy heard Techno whine, fucking whine. God what was Tommy's life?

"Do we have to go?" Wilbur chides in, a pleading tone in his voice. Tommy's ear twitches.

"I'm 'fraid so mate, we are still just hero's" Phil's tired voice cuts in. Techno gives out a sigh as Wilbur starts to pout.

Tommy slowly walks in, taking in the scene. Wilbur was on the couch, arms cross in a pout as Techno was whining about not wanting to go or something from a chair next to the couch. Phil just looked tired of those two's bullshit, he was standing near the elevator. Jet black wings glistening in the soft rays of sunlight that escaped the blinds. Tommy realized that they were all in their hero outfits, suited up and everything. That was weird, why were they wearing their hero gear?

"Philllllll-! I don't want tooooo-!" Techno whines as Tommy walks over to Phil. Non of the three noticing him yet.

"well we can't mate, we already put it off- OOF!" Phil yelps suddenly as Tommy clings onto him sleepily. Wilbur stops to look at Tommy while Techno just sits up as son as he sees the young teen. Phil just runs his fingers through Tommy's hair, Tommy mushes his face into Phil's shirt. Its warm.

"You awake mate?" Phil asks, fondness in his eyes as Tommy blearily looks up up at him.

"you weren't there and it was cold" Tommy pouted as he hid his face in Phil's shirt again, one of Phil's wings wrapping around Tommy.

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