Chapter 17: Tommy actually does something on patrol!

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Tommy stopped, his breath picked up slightly as he felt his entire body freeze. Ghostbur stood by the end of the roof, he was wearing a soft smile on his face that made Tommy blink in confusion.

"Hello there Snowbird."

Tommy decides to start actually patrolling so yea, Tubs meets up with him and gives him a gift. Because he's a paranoid fuck- I mean a protective shit- Concerned friend. More Ranboo, Allium duo, and bee duo for you folks. Also also, multiple POVs today, like a lot of different POVs. Can you guys tell how much I don't want to write a summery today? It's like a lot.
Tommy had decided to go on patrol.

Should Tommy have gone while still injured? No. Did Tommy still go? Absolutely.

Tommy fluffed up his wings, white feathers ruffling in the soft breeze of the night. Tommy crouched, flapping his wings a few times before beating them down. The very tips of his feathers brushing the hard concrete below in his decent, Tommy smiled as he felt the wind brush his feathers, ruffling his hair into a fluffy mess.

Tommy flew though the night, eyes wide in scanning the area for any crime. Tommy hadn't been doing much on patrol unless it counted crying and bantering. The crime had probably spiked in the trios slight absence, Tommy let out a guilty thrill as he realized how much of an impact the threes negligence could have caused.

Tommy was about to sweep around the corner when something caught his eye, it was only a small glint but it was something. Tommy let out a questioning warble as he aimed to dive down to see what was going on. Tommy flew onto the top of an accompanying building to scout out the area. It seemed like there was a gang, about four to six people trying to break into a convenience store.

Odd,Tommy thought. Most burglars would rob the bigger one up the street. Whatever, wasn't his business on where they chose to rob, it was just Tommy's business to stop it. Tommy watched them for a little while, noting how one of the men was slightly shiner then the others. Tommy held back a confused thrill as he noticed the man's face was covered in a layer of...rubies?

It wasn't fully covered, like only the top of his face was. He had black hair and was wearing black like all the other wrong'ens. Tommy looked over the other men, taking note that one or two had a few animalistic features. Tommy soon decided it was high time he got into the situation. Taking a deep breath Tommy spread his wings and dropped down, his feet landing with sharp 'thumps'.

The response was instant, several heads snapped towards him. Tommy smiled, giving a smug look to the wrong'en in front of him.

"Snowbird!" One of the men yelled, geez, Tommy was flattered. He didn't know he was that well known around his district.

"aw, did word really spread so quickly? I haven't even been on patrol as often as I should, luckily I decided to go today eh?" Tommy snarked, sarcasm was clear in his voice as his voice. He eyed the group, noticing how a few had red eyes. Not like Techno's, they weren't natural, they seemed...scary, possessed somehow. It sent a shiver down his spine, his wings ruffling in unease.

Those, weren't.....normal, were they?

"Anyway, I'm afraid what your doing is illegal. So I suppose I must step in now, most sincere of apologies for intruding but I must." Tommy snarks, a wide grin spreading across his face even if the odd fear that was boiling under his skin was growing by the second. Tommy was glad his voice didn't shake.

And with that Tommy leap. He crashed right into the chest of ruby man, who gave out a started grunt as he was catapulted into. Tommy opened his wings and twisted around while beating down his wings to lift him into the air as the other burglars started to move. A man with large, glimmering wings started towards the young avian. His wings were shiny, transparent and looked like Tubbo's but ten times larger.

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