Chapter 23: Mumza for you starving BITCHES

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Screw summeries, I'm writing the majority of this at 3 in the mourning:D


Tommy groaned, eyelids heavy as he felt warmth course through his body. He blinked, eyes landing on bright green, he warbled in confusion, why was the Sbi apartment green? Tommy sat up, looking around, suddenly registering where he was. And it wasn't the Sbi floor.

He was in a tree, he was shorter, wings still small with down, yet had started sprouting feathers. His hands were smaller, and he had little wisps of gold framing his face. Tommy recognized the tree he was in, the pile of leaves that made up his 'nest', he remembered this day, the soft glow of the sun, beating against his skin like a warm hug. His hair shining like a nest of spun gold, laughter and warmth filled air, as Tommy spent the day with his flock.

His only flock.

Tommy was spiraling, because this day, he was not with Phil or Techno or Wilbur. He never met Tubbo or Ranboo, none of the other vigilantes, hell Tommy wasn't even a vigilante right now!

And one, one small, simple glance down confirmed all his suspicions.

"Tombird!" Emerald green eyes glittering up at the blond, fondness and adoration glimmered in the jewel like pupils. Tommy knew those eyes, knew them better then he should, knew the pain and torment that he went through as they watched on with glee.

Except these eyes held fondness, held adoration for him, love and care. His hair was almost as golden as Tommy's, only slightly darker, unlike the dirty blond it was when Tommy last saw him. His eyes were a stunning emerald green, not the dull, sadistic jade jewels Tommy knew they were.

And this Dream, this Dream wore no mask, his freckled face in full display in the sunlight.

"Tombird! What did I say about making a nest in the tree? Your going to fall!" Tommy was being scolded, Tommy knew he was being scolded. But instead of fear, or anger, or even regret, Tommy felt the atmosphere lift with giddiness, he could hear himself giggle, fluff out his wings and stick his tongue out at Dream like that wasn't a death sentence.

"Psh- I'm a big man now! You can't stop me!" Tommy heard the words loud and clear, and it seemed that 'Dream' did too, his face breaking out into a large grin, eyes shining with amusement. He crossed his arms, his white T-shirt- which unlike his iconic lime green hood -ruffled. Tommy liked this look on Dream, he looked nicer. (He was nicer).

"Oh really? What's stopping me from climbing that tree right now to grab ya' little Birdy?" Tommy felt himself grin, the blonde suddenly registered that this was a dream, because he was suddenly thrown forward- his wings in the dream outstretched. He screamed, eyes closing as he braced for the impact.

....but none came.

Tommy slowly blinked his eyes open, a warm feeling settled in his stomach. Tommy looked up, eyes locking yet not with bright emerald ones. The strange Dream cooed, eyes full of fondness and just so much love that it made Tommy want to cry. Tommy felt tears stream down his face, suddenly realizing that was very much true. Dream-but-not-Dream stared at him in worry, a frown graced his lips, eyes filling with concern for him, for Tommy.

"Tombird? Are you alright?" Tommy sniffled, he hated it when his dreams do this, when they taunted him with memories, memories of a kinder, nicer Dream. Of a time when Dream seemed to care for Tommy, loved and cherished him. Dream-but-not-Dream's face contorted into more concern, he started rocking Tommy slowly, shushing the blond and cooing at him. Pressing his head into Tommy's golden locks, rubbing soft circles into the avian's back.

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