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Next day I woke up feeling relieved. I could tell Ethan about Ryan. Although it was nothing but I was happy that I could finally tell atleast someone. It was weighing on me that I had no one to share my secret with so maybe I may have just blurted it out but it was nice. I dressed up and went out and saw hustle bustle everywhere. It was rumored that an another college is joining us maybe it is true after all.

I tried finding Ethan among the crowd and saw dragging a girl away. I didn't follow because it all seemed very serious. Lia came running towards me all sulking.

"Another girl is joining our team and Ryan doesn't seem to happy about. Actually no does. Ethan just took her away before I killed with my bare hands" Lia told me exaggerating about the situation.

"Why. What is wrong with her" I asked.

"So basically she has some sort of past with Ryan that made him upset looking at her but she doesn't realize that and kept trying to talk to him until he-" Lia stopped when she saw Ryan come towards us. I looked him and he looked really upset. What is up with this girl? Lia made her out of that situation because you could see that it was starting to get really awkward because she just stopped talking as soon as Ryan arrived.

"Ryan....are you okay?" I inquired once Lia was out of there.

"No its Julia. She was apologizing. I don't think I am ready yet" Ryan confessed. Julia as in the ex-girlfriend. This was messed up because just yesterday Ethan told me that she wasn't wrong but still I wanted Ryan to misunderstand her so that I can have my chance. I was being totally selfish right now but still wanted to do that.

I just nodded in response and went back to find Ethan to find the solution to my problem. I found him in the back yelling at the girl I am assuming is Julia. Julia was a small girl with hair that was right now covering most of her face.

"Ethan why didn't you tell him" Julia asked him

"I don't know okay he won't listen to me" Ethan told her almost yelling.

"You must really like me that you risk your friendship with Ryan for me but here is the Ethan I don't like you I want Ryan"

No wonder Lia wanted to kill her.

"and I want you to stay away from me" Ethan said. Then Ethan walked away from there, he saw me standing there. He took my hand and dragged me away from there.

"You alright?" I asked him the moment we left.

"I don't know .....why now" he replied

"Can you help me. Stay with me for the whole day. Ryan notices me when you are there" I asked him. Ethan looked at me for a brief moment and then looked then before finally nodding a yes.

Then I rushed to my room with Lia and wore a very normal outfit. I didn't know what our plan was for today so I wore anything. I rushed straight to Ethan's room and knocked multiple times before Jacob opened it and just laughed. Like he didn't say a word and just laughed the moment he saw me.

"ETHAN YOUR DATE IS HERE" he called to Ethan who was inside the bathroom. "Wait while Mr Lee over here grooms himself"

I sat down on there sofa while scrolling through instagram. After 20 minutes Ethan came out. He was looking handsome. His shirt was just fitting perfectly on him.

"Lets go" he said "we are already late."

We went downstairs where everyone was already there and Julia was also there. Julia kept looking at Ethan. I looked over at Lia who was smiling eye to eye.

"why didn't you dress up and also tell me about it" Lia asked me. I just smiled.

The whole time I could tell that Ethan was looking at me but not Ryan. We went to the bus and I deliberately sat next to Ethan. I offered Ethan a airpod and we both listened to songs all the way.

Todays location was a palace on a hill. It looked like a movie set. It was little ancient looking and the vibe it gave was very pretty. I looked at Ethan who was drooling at the scenery like me. I smiled at him and he reciprocated. Then I clicked some pictures of Ethan and then he clicked like a million of mine. Ethan was a bad photographer but a hardworking one. He kept clicking pictures of me until I was satisfied. It was fun how he tried and also cute. We stayed there until I have tried every pose I wanted too.

Then it was only us then and we started walking inside together. We saw everything very silently taking pictures of us and of things. There was a also a big lawn where there was large sitting arrangements. I went and sat there. Ethan got us some coffee and we both just sat there in silence. It was comfortable, weirdly I feel most at ease when I am around ethan its like I don't have to pretend to anyone else. I was very comfortable just sitting there drinking coffee while we both enjoy the sun. I honestly didn't want anyone coming and ruining this moment. Happy that we lost everyone else.

I looked at Ethan who was sketching something while smiling. Why does he act so cute at times.

""THERE YOU ARE!!!! I WAS BORED" it was Lia who had just found us. "come lets dress up as kings and click some pictures"

"Come Lia" Ryan said. I didn't notice him the whole day but now I did his hair was down today. I got up and then after forcing Ethan too. I wanted him to enjoy too.

That's how the day went. After coming from that place I went straight to my room and slept for 3 hours and woke up just in time for dinner.

I went to the dining hall where everyone was eating. I scanned the room and went to Lia. I went and sat next to Lia. I placed my head on her shoulder. Ryan was there in front of me eating his food while he was visibly sulking. I didn't need to ask anything because Lia already told me the reason with her constant comments.

"Why is trying to steal Ethan. Anyone can see how cute he is with Iris. Why did you even date her?" Lia kept throwing comments every now and then but no one was answering her. I closed my eyes. I was being too selfish thinking that now atleast Ryan was off her radar. Was this relief I was feeling wrong.

"Go sit right there in front of me I will feed you some food then go to sleep" Lia said.

I nodded and went to sit in front of Lia next to Ryan. Ethan was now in my clear sight. He was smiling and even his dimple was showing. My relief was suddenly replaced by this weird which made me want to scream and cry at the same time. I wanted to yell at Julia to leave Ethan alone and also at Ethan for smiling so beautifully to someone else. It was weird totally weird. I took two bites of the food and kept my head on the table closing my eyes. Suddenly the table moved it was Ryan moving and he was following Ethan. I was scared for them. Things were finally starting to look slightly better for both them and suddenly this. I hope this isn't what I fear it to be.

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