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I woke up early this morning to make sure that ethan was comfortable in the morning. He slept on the couch last night but my parents weren't really home this morning. There was just a message that said 'there is some pancake batter in the fridge prepare for you and your friend'. I opened and there was just too much pancake batter. I started making some.

After a while Ethan woke up and came into the kitchen and sat onto the counter, he kept on the island.

"Did I say something weird last night?" he said.

"Just some things in Korean. Nothing worth embarrassing over" I told him while plating the pancakes and passing a plate to him. He took with and started eating it. I brought myself a plate too and joined him on the counter.

"Should we to university after this" Ethan asked while eating. I was happy that he was talking to me normally but there was something missing that I can't quite put my finger on.

"yeah" I agreed to his plan. We both then had our breakfasts in silence and I changed after that before heading to ethan's place. He too quickly changed his clothes wearing a grey hoodie and black sweats. He looked really good in such casual outfits too. I checked my messages and send pictures to lia while waiting for him. It has been so long since I last had a conversation with lia. I missed her.

Ethan came out and was busy doing something in the kitchen but after sometime he called me, "Iris do you want coffee". I nodded and he smiled at me before going back in the kitchen. I followed him to kitchen and sat on the counter while he ,made some coffee for both of us.

"Let's get donuts for everyone on our way to the university" Ethan suggested passing me a cup.

I drank my coffee while Ethan drank his while doing something on his laptop.

"What are you doing there?"

"Working on my senior exhibition draft. I have already sent the art piece but I still need to write a document telling them about them so I can get marked on it. Just sort of a formality" he told me.

"So your art will be in a exhibition"

"Yes. The one at university. You can go check it out sometime". If someone saw my face right now they would think that I have lost it that's how happy I was.

"Let's go" Ethan said after a while closing his laptop and standing up.

We walked to university making our stop at the donut stop. Ethan knew a lot of bakeries all around the university.

When we reached there was nowhere there which was surprising because the whole schedule was already sent in the group and we were supposed to finish drawing it by today. I checked my messages and there were messages on the group telling that no one could make it today.

"Looks like it will be only the two of us" I told Ethan showing him the messages. He nodded.

After keeping our stuff down Ethan started drawing on the wall. I sat down on the ground and watched him as he drew.

I watched him for a while before joining him in drawing. I working hard trying to make that art look presentable or maybe beautiful. It was getting slightly hot with my hair sticking on my back and everything. I went to look inside my bag for a hair tie but unfortunately there was none. But somehow Ethan had one and he offered it to me. I gladly took it a lot of thoughts coming inside my head. Why was he carrying a hair tie? Does it belong to Rachel? Can there be someone else? He never really confessed so maybe it was just me thinking that he liked me. It was loud inside my head but I had to focus on the task at hand.

It was getting hotter and hotter because the sun was coming up and was at its peak right now. Ethan had removed his hoodie and hair was in a bun. But the problem was Ethan right now was looking a little too good looking for me to focus. Everytime he would ask me for something I would get all red and unable to form sentences.

From few days maybe it was just me but Ethan was looking a little more handsome daily.

After a while, it was calm for my heart as Ethan went and lay down to finally sleeps on the grass near the place we were working at. I also soon finished and used the free time to sleeping Ethan. I always liked it when he was sleeping he looked very nice and cute.

It was after some while that my phone rang to my surprise it was ryan who was calling me. I picked it up

"Hi. How are you doing? I wanted to meet you so do you mind coming to this location I have sent you" he said as soon as I picked up the phone and also in one breath.

"Okay" I told him.

I packed all my stuff and went to sleeping Ethan and told him that I had to be somewhere so I was leaving. He got up and even offered to walk me there but I refused and left him.

I reached the location in about 20 minutes and ryan was already there. He was drinking coffee sitting in the bench.

"What did you wanted to talk about" I said as soon as I reached near him.

"I wanted to apologize about the whole Julia and ethan thing" he told me. "I was kinda I don't know how to say this. Why don't you sit down first?"

I sat down next to him and he took his time explaining me that how he always knew that I liked him. And he used that to make fool of Ethan because he knew that he liked me. And about all the games he played.

I was angry, sad, disappointed at the same time. I felt defeated and like a fool. I didn't make any sense but it also did if you sit long enough to connect the pieces.

"so to get revenge on Ethan you decided to make him think that I liked him" I tried summing it up.

"Yup because I knew that you didn't"

"If I haven't confessed to you what would have happened"

"he would have and the same thing would have happened"

I was speechless.

"I was blinded by my childish-ness so I did this but right now I come in peace to make amends" he told me. "Let's start with coffee shall we"

He picked me up and dragged me to the coffee shop. We were waiting for the line to move since our turn was next but when the line did I got another surprise.

It was Ethan behind the counter. He was wearing his classes and for a moment I was lost. He looked good. But maybe even that was an understatement. He looked sad though. Ryan gave our orders and all the while I only stared at ethan.

Then I finally spoke when we reached a seat.

"What game are you playing at?"

"I was trying to help a friend"


"come on. I know that look. That was the look of love my friend. I was trying to set you up with the guy you like by using the old jealousy technique"

"I don't like Ethan. He is a good friend so I was just a little angry since your game ruined my friendship"

"Sure whatever you say"

The Guy in the AlleyWhere stories live. Discover now